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From the author: Co-authored with Zhanna Voinova. Is it possible to “wake up” inside your own dreams? How and why to do this? Dream and reality are two different worlds. Or rather, even the perception of the world. In reality, our attention is focused on the external world, and in dreams - on the internal. And at the same time, sometimes people have special lucid dreams. On the one hand, they are much more similar to reality than ordinary dreams, and on the other hand, they are much more different from it... When a person sees such a special dream, he realizes that he is sleeping and can, to one degree or another, control the flow of the dream. In this article we explore this phenomenon from a variety of angles. So what exactly is this? 4 views on the nature of lucid dreams1. Denial – There are no “lucid” dreams. At best, this is nonsense, and at worst, it is a deception with the aim of becoming famous or making money.2. Traveling to other realities - Such dreams represent real shamanic journeys. The exit of the spirit from the body and free wandering through all eras and dimensions.3. Inner world - In lucid dreams, a person comprehensively and closely explores his own inner world - the psyche.4. Collective unconscious - A person connects to the noosphere (the collective mind of humanity - you learned this at school) and wanders inside the virtual “psi-internet”. Where do we actually go with the help of lucid dreams? And this depends on which pill you choose - red or blue. The journeys of consciousness, freed from countless daytime sensations-signals of a sleeping body, are infinitely varied. The destination depends on how you perceive it, what you are willing to believe. From the thoughts with which you fell asleep. Therefore, young children have a greater chance of “flying to Orion” than their parents. Do you remember your dreams as a child? Almost all of them were Colored and Multi-part. Have you told them to adults? That's it!..We believe that you should not get hung up on any one point of view. It is most appropriate to gradually develop your own view of this phenomenon, relying both on your own experience and on the above options. Quirks of lucid dreamsFlying. Memories V.Zh.: I slowly rise up, looking around the sleeping city. When the television tower remains far below, I completely surrender to the delightful feeling of speed. Flying over the seashore at the height of an airplane reminds me of an airplane, especially since I am actually approaching the airport... Time warps (acceleration, travel to the past/future); Penetration through walls; One day I (O.K.) realized that I was floating under the ceiling. I realized that this was a special dream. With the power of my thoughts I flew up through the ceiling. And higher, higher, until he found himself on the roof of a high-rise building. Winds of freshness and freedom whistled and howled around... Staying in the images of other people or other creatures; Moving and transforming objects with the power of thought. And much more in the same spirit... The most typical for all such practices remains the feeling of “leaving the body” in moment of falling asleep. From the story of V.Zh.: For a moment there was a strange impression that you were hanging directly above your own body. At the same time, your hands clearly feel the fabric of the bed, but at the same time you are hovering 50 centimeters above it and see yourself below. Then a whistling flight through what looked like a horizontal wind tunnel towards a bright light source at the end of it. Flash and... How to make dreams lucid and controllable To join lucid dreams, you don’t have to be chosen or study for many years with Himalayan hermits. However, you will undoubtedly have to practice. A few simple recommendations will help you have your first lucid dream, and then achieve this result more often and easier. So, three conditions lead to achieving lucidity in dreams: The power of intention. Firstly, this is the intention to have a lucid dream, and secondly, the clarity of the goal. The latter means you know what you are looking for and also answers the question clearly!!!
