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This is a song a man sings to his beloved and only one. And how a woman wants to not only hear, but also feel this back and this shoulder. Go behind this back and feel protected and safe. Lean on this shoulder when you are tired, when you need support and support. Probably every woman chooses the man she deserves. And it’s not his fault that he didn’t live up to her expectations, that she fills her whole life only with him. He inspired her with his exclusivity and irreplaceability, thereby occupying the highest point in her eyes. She doesn’t know how to live on now, without him. He simply decided that she alone was to blame for quarrels, that he was always right, that in family life, a woman should obey and endure. There is no male generosity, understanding, or condescension in him. “Oh, are you offended? I’ll be even more offended, I’m exceptional, you can’t do this with me,” “Are you tired? Are you overwhelmed with emotions? And I’m so tired, you have even more emotions, mine, as exceptional as I am.” “And in general, I’m tired of everything, I’m filing for divorce,” these are the words of the husband to his wife. When you ask to voice the reason for such a difficult decision, the answer is quick: “Yes, I don’t know... how did it happen. We are not suitable for each other." They approached for five years, then it dawned on them that they weren’t suitable. And this is the sole decision of the man. To my wife’s request to talk, not to act out of hand, we are a family, the answer is short: “I have already decided everything.” As they say, the masks have been torn off. Disappointment has come, no one is the ideal partner who seemed to each other at the very beginning of the emergence of love. Everyone needs to learn to live with new ideas, discoveries in their chosen one and or adapt to him, the new, if there is love and respect, without destroying himself as a person for broken illusions or figure out whether you can continue to live with this. Everyone in a couple needs understand, if you want understanding, learn to understand another, especially a man. In every partner we look for a parent who would love us for who we are. But a man is the personification of strength, courage and generosity. Fighting with a woman is an indicator of weakness, causing pain to your woman is an indicator of dislike, no matter what words are said after. A man is characterized by condescension, reliability, and not pettiness. Why does a man consider it something shameful to just come up in a quarrel, just hug and say: “Okay, let’s make peace, we’re family.” “Why should I humiliate myself? Why doesn’t she come up and say, “I’m sorry, why should I do this?” This is the kind of kindergarten called family life. A man considers it humiliating to say kind words to his wife, thereby “smoothing out the corners” of misunderstanding. And before whom should we humiliate ourselves? There are no crowds, no one will judge, there are no advisers. Probably, first of all, in front of yourself, your loved one. This is a tribute to one’s word, “a man said, a man did” and no, no, breaking a word given to one’s dear self. And everything comes from the fact that women completely dissolve in their husband. All the time, all things are connected only with him. When you ask: “What do you do in your free time?”, in response you see rounded eyes, the answers are different: yes, nothing; Yes, I don’t have one; I iron, wash, cook. It doesn’t even make sense to ask about hobbies, interests, meetings with friends. This is not the case. How can a woman be interesting to a man if she is not interesting to herself, if she does not have her own personal time and space? If her whole life depends on the presence of this man in her, and without him, everything! emptiness! Because of this, self-esteem falls to the plinth, faith in one’s uniqueness as a woman disappears, a look into the future is dimmer than dim with a lament: “So that I... someday... let someone in for a cannon shot...”. And this is a very big mistake. Dear women, find a place for yourself in your life. Start loving and respecting yourself. Let you definitely have your own interests, meetings, sports, shopping, salons. Don't get lost in someone else's life, even if it's someone close to you. And then, perhaps, you will not be manipulated in terms of what you owe and what you!
