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From the author: Amateurs, please do not worry. Only for professionalsSo, you have finally entered the market as a specialist. The next step is to become an expert in your field. Why is this necessary? Of course, to maintain self-esteem. You might be thinking, “I’m already an expert!” Of course it is. However, for a true professional it is important to have a publicly recognized expert status. Of course, if you spend 40 years in the profession, your experience will be enough to consider yourself an expert. But how to convey this idea and fait accompli to your potential clients, employer and colleagues? After all, by changing your status, you can qualify for a higher “price tag”. A list of points by which you can test yourself for expertise.1. There is industry certification (you have a certificate that is valued in your professional community. For example, a diploma from Moscow State University. That is, with this certificate you can prove your expertise among other psychologists).2. Membership in professional associations (with fees and recommendations). International or All-Russian associations. There may be another step for growth here. If you are one of the founders and lead your own direction within the association, this guarantees your recognition by your colleagues.3. Significant awards and bonuses, participation in competitions, victories in competitions.4. A published book with a large circulation and good sales (it is advisable that the publishing houses themselves invite you and distribute the circulation, but this, as you understand, can only be achieved with the help of a large number of good publications). 5. Publications in authoritative industry media. These can be one-time publications, it is not necessary to write a column. Publications in scientific journals.6. Speaking at conferences as a speaker. Then you will have the opportunity to participate in the jury.7. Personal website with links to publications and all regalia.8. Performances in the media - on radio, TV. 9. Have an image corresponding to the status of an expert. For example, you can copy the style of a psychotherapist who is already known and you are impressed by his manner of behavior, dressing, presenting himself, and add your own “trick”, a certain accent. Notice how similar the styles of Anna Yakovlevna Varga and Bebchuk Marina Alexandrovna are. At all levels - speech, gestures, postures, facial expressions - everything is very similar. It is unlikely that systemic family therapy leaves such a strong imprint. Take a closer look. Well, these are, perhaps, the main points of the expert status of a psychologist. For convenience, you can cross out existing items. Good luck to you in your professional activities!
