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From the author: Names have been changed, publication has been agreed upon. The article provides a fragment of work with boundaries, the trauma of rejection, separation, the right to “be”, one’s own value, female attractiveness, a feeling of happiness, acceptance and feelings - that’s in short. The article mentions a MAN indirectly, only as a marker of a woman’s trauma. An article about a woman and her feelings. I discuss the reasons for male behavior and its psychological characteristics in the article “Love and Hate in Three...” dated January 16, 2018. If he flirts in front of you, and you feel so bad and hurt that you, out of powerlessness, want to strangle everyone, and then immediately run to the ends of the world so as not to see all this - you know, the theme of your psychological and physical boundaries is included, and it is not for nothing that his disgusting and bestiality infuriates you. You are clearly and clearly slurping up his disrespect with a ladleful of soup, which only mirrors your own attitude towards yourself yourself as a woman, and as a person. Why did you get such a bastard? It was precisely for this highest purpose that he came to you from the darkness - to show your attitude towards yourself without powder and masks. For what, you ask? So that you finally come to your senses, woman!!!! And she took out the iron needles and barbed wire! Did you hear the metaphor? From this article you will learn how to reliably neutralize all these “arrogant women”, stop him from doing shit to you, and even remain on your own in all white. A man came to the circus with a project for a new act. “They lift a huge canvas bag under the dome. The Sprech Ringmaster shoots at him. The bag bursts. And it turns out that it is filled with crap. Sprechstalmeister is in shit. Uniformists are in shit. The orchestra is in shit. The public is all in shit. And then I come out - all in white.” How does a woman feel in a situation when someone comes onto her territory, raises his leg and starts marking corners, with an expression on his “face” that this is how it should be? Just like Larisa. Why does Larochka feel this way? “After all, she had a very happy childhood! Mom did everything together with Larina’s sister, did not let her near these pots, with which the girl would still have time to work like a convict! Besides, she's so stupid! Not like my sister! Lyudochka is a different matter! And she will tidy up the room she shares with her sister, and she will wash the dishes herself, and she will put things in their places. And Lara - she just remains silent, eats what is ready and looks at everything in books! She is an excellent student in the family!” How did Larisa feel after our work through special psychological practices and techniques? So: And now the promised recommendations from the “invasion”: Do not run away, otherwise you will surrender your territory to the mercy of all “enemies”. Don’t stand on the sidelines with an unhappy look and a murdered look, like a victim. Come and get acquainted. Smile at everyone around you, hug your man, but not as your property, but affectionately, and look at him with adoration, as you look at a bag/shoes/underwear/cosmetics/fur coat you just bought: with the knowledge that it is “yours”, that you cherish and enjoy it. This way you will mark your territory. Look at “other women” without fear, with sincere attention, and a message (that’s exactly the word) for them within yourself: “you are not my rival.” This is immediately readable. Everyone understands everything: you are the Mistress. These points are not easy to fulfill, because if you are hurting and scared inside, and your voice is trembling and a tear breaks out in your tone, you will lose this battle. Train on the topic of the quest, on “cats” - communicate with those who are unpleasant to you, this is an option. And best of all, contact a psychologist so that the algorithm works naturally and easily. To do this, at a minimum, it is necessary to realize and accept your right to your territory (in the form of a man, as one of your resources), to see and recognize your heavenly (this is not a metaphor or an exaggeration) beauty, and attractiveness, feminine charm and the right to be beloved.
