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In the near future, cognitive-behavioral culturally sensitive, cognitive therapy (Beck), interpersonal therapy, technical eclecticism, theoretical integration, behavioral therapy and family systems therapy will be in the lead. On the contrary, classical psychoanalysis, implosive therapy, transactional analysis, various forms of Adlerian and Jungian therapy, according to expert forecasts, will fade into the background. This decade will see the continued growth of methods with so-called computer technologies (computerized therapies), client self-change (self-change procedures, search for self-help resources, self-monitoring) and didactic orientations of the psychotherapist (homework, relapse prevention, problem-solving techniques and cognitive restructuring), according to according to experts will achieve the greatest success. On the other hand, experts say the worst prospects lie in free association, group exercise, emotional flooding/implosion, and dream interpretation. The survey included prominent mental health professionals and 30 editors from leading mental health journals. All participants held doctoral degrees (58 Doctors of Philosophy, 3 Doctors of Medicine, and 1 Doctor of Education) and had been in clinical practice for 30 years. The predominant locations and areas of work were university departments (58%), private practice (26%) and medical schools (11%). Experts represented a variety of theoretical orientations: cognitive-behavioral (32%), eclectic/integrative (26%), psychodynamic (18%), humanistic/empirical (9%), behavioral (5%), feminist (5%) and systemic/systematic. family systems (4%). According to experts, the popularity of 9 psychotherapeutic formats will increase in the future. Brief therapy, psychoeducational groups for specific disorders, crisis intervention, couples/marital and group therapy will become even more popular. Three psychotherapeutic formats are predicted to remain unchanged, namely whole-family, individual, and one-session therapy. Survey participants foresee a deterioration in the position of only one format – long-term therapy. According to many studies, the average effect size in psychotherapy is 0.80% - a significant size in the behavioral sciences (0.20 is considered a small effect, 0.50 is considered a moderate effect, 0.80 is considered a large effect). The average client in psychotherapy feels better than 79% of untreated clients. On the agenda for the next generation of psychotherapists is research into which treatment variables are most effective, determining what helps whom. The question is no longer whether the method helps, but how it helps and what can be done to make it help even more. While psychotherapy still has a rather short history, it has a brilliant and glorious future ahead of it. What exactly will this future look like in 25 or even 10 years? Experts hope that human behavior will remain as mysterious as it often is, but that the miraculous effects of psychotherapy will become more predictable and more widespread..
