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From the author: Published in the journal: Education, Science, Scientific Personnel, issue No. 4, 2013 // M.: "UNITY-DANA", pp. 226-229If you want to partially or publish this article in full, contact me, I will give a list of references to which links are given. When using article materials, a link to the author is required! Interconnection of psychological border with emotional states personality I. A. Drozd( Moscow Humanitarian University) The article presents the results of a pilot study of the relationship of the psychological boundary with general human states and with the emotions of joy, anger, fear, sadness. Key words: psychological boundary, relationship, joy, anger, fear, sadness, well-being, activity, mood. IA Drozd(Moscow university for the humanities)In article presents results of the pilot study interconnection of psychological border with common human condition and the emotions of joy, anger, fear, sadness.Keywords: psychological border relationship, joy, anger, fear, sadness, mood, activity, mood. The pilot study was carried out as part of a dissertation research on the relationship between emotional states and a person’s psychological boundaries. This work was supposed to answer an important question about the possibility of the existence of such relationships. 40 people took part in the study, including 24 women and 16 men. The age of the subjects ranged from 20 to 25 years. The choice of methods was determined by the objectives of the study. Standardized and validated psychodiagnostic methods were used in the work: to study psychological boundaries, the questionnaire “Methodology for the Study of Psychological Boundaries” by T. S. Levy was used; to study the emotional states of joy, anger, fear and sadness, a 4-modal questionnaire by L. A. Rabinovich was used; To study the general condition of a person, the SAN (well-being-activity-mood) questionnaire was used. This work was carried out within the framework of the approach of T.S. Levy, who considers the psychological boundary as a functional organ of the personality. According to Ukhtomsky, a functional organ is a virtual energy formation that is formed and manifests itself in actions: a functional organ is a combination of forces to solve a problem [2]. Podoroga, discussing the psychological border, writes: “This border is vibrating, constantly changing its line tension, consistency, thickness, activity of two environments coinciding in it (External and Internal) [6, P.51]. According to Levi T.S. the psychological boundary expresses the state of “I,” characterized primarily by the level of activity and the vector of movement away from oneself or toward oneself [4]. T.S. Levy writes: “The psychological boundary is formed in the process of realizing one’s own internal space and defending it, overcoming symbiotic relationships. Such overcoming means gaining the right to self-determination, freedom, but at the same time responsibility for oneself” [5]. The optimal border is capable of changing its characteristics, depending on the state of the world and our own desire: density, permeability, thickness, shape. In most cases, the choice is made unconsciously, carried out as a result of correlating data about the state of “the internal space of the Self and the external space of the world” [5]. T.S. Levy identifies 6 functions of the psychological boundary, which are manifested in a person’s actions in appropriate situations [4]: ​​1. The border can be calmly neutral in cases of a similar state of the World.2. The border can become actively inaccessible, impenetrable to external influences if these influences are assessed as harmful.3. The boundary can become completely permeable and allow the Self to “merge” with the world if the person is confident and has trust.4. The boundary can become actively absorbing, drawing in, if a person has the internal right to satisfy his needs.5. The border can become actively giving ifa person has an internal right to express himself.6. The boundary can become actively restraining, containing internal energy. Joy is not a frenzied, momentary flame. Joy is the even burning of existence [8]. The emotion of joy is different from the feeling of pleasure brought to us by sensory sensations, such as tactile or taste. They can give us pleasure, but not necessarily cause joy [3]. Anger is a very strong emotional reaction accompanied by a set of physical reactions and characteristic reactions of the autonomic nervous system [1]. As a rule, anger is caused by a feeling of physical or psychological lack of freedom, therefore, any obstacle to achieving the intended goal can cause anger in a person. Thoughts about injustice, mistake, deception, that people do not like or condemn him, can cause anger in a person [3]. Fear consists of certain and very specific physiological changes, expressive behavior and specific experiences stemming from the expectation of a threat or dangers [3]. Sadness is one of the longest lasting emotions. After a period of protesting grief, there usually comes a period of resigned sadness, during which a person feels absolutely helpless, and then protesting grief arises again, trying to return the loss, then the turn of sadness comes again, etc. [7] The main activators of sadness are separation, or separation, both physical and psychological, death of a loved one and disappointment, especially when it is caused by the collapse of hopes [3]. The results of the study are presented in Table No. 1. Table No. 1 “Results of correlation analysis (Spearman coefficient)” In the table, the functions of the psychological boundary are presented in the horizontal plane, and emotional states in the vertical plane. All studied states can be divided into 2 groups. Positive: joy, good health, high level of activity, positive mood. And negative ones: anger, fear, sadness. As a result of the correlation study, significant relationships between the psychological boundary and emotional states were identified. Significant relationships in the table are highlighted in bold italics and tell us that the specified emotion and the function of the psychological boundary are closely related to each other. A negative relationship comes with a “-” sign and indicates weak activity of the psychological boundary function when the emotion with which this relationship is expressed is being considered. Such a negative relationship indicates that the brighter the emotion is, the weaker the function is, and vice versa, the higher the activity of the function, the weaker the specific emotion is. Positive relationships do not have a “-” sign and have the opposite meaning. The higher the activity of the function in the observed relationship, the stronger and more often will be the likelihood of the manifestation of that emotion or general state of a person with which this relationship is seen. And vice versa, the weaker the expression of emotion, the lower the activity of the function will be. From the results of the correlation analysis it is clear that a positive relationship with the functions of the psychological boundary is observed only in the emotion of joy and in general positive states of a person. This means that with high levels of psychological boundary functions, a person is able to experience a feeling of joy more often, feel good health and mood, and have a higher level of activity. The remaining three emotions show a negative relationship. This means that the lower the indicators of psychological boundary functions, the more often a person will be angry, fearful and sad. His activity will be low, and his mood and well-being will be poor. A significant positive relationship between the emotion of joy and the psychological boundary is observed with its 4 functions: actively not letting in, completely permeable, actively absorbing and calmly neutral. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that the same significant positive relationships with functions.
