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When a person is constantly irritated, but does not express his irritation, he finds himself in a constant cycle of negative influence. And if suppressing irritation becomes a habit, that is, happens again and again, then a serious illness may develop. In fact, any irritation inevitably strikes the internal organs. But no person can avoid emotional outbursts in everyday life... That is why we should be able to analyze how we experience anger and irritation, and have our own opportunity to try to soften some of them, and perhaps the best thing for the individual is to learn to qualitatively process any negative consequences, when coming to long-term psychotherapy, learn to see yourself. At one of the sessions, in long-term therapy, it was during the analysis of a case where the client managed to express himself in the aggressive part and the form of presenting himself through anger, our session was interrupted by a call from me! I had to apologize and step away from the computer to solve the problem (the session was held online)! And when I returned and asked the client about his reaction to the current moment: what suits you best with my manifestation in this situation (and there was a clear parallel), my anger and the interruption of that contact, or what happened with my apologies and the series of events that occurred in the moment now? The client thought about it and replied that my manifestation with an apology was more tactful and more honest and clearer than the first one, in which I would have been angry and avoiding contact. That is, the field of understanding remained within the manifestation of human contact and the series of events was presented as a naturally synchronized series of human interaction, taking into account the ongoing event and real human contact, which the client himself observes during the event. And then I suggested to the client himself, returning figuratively to his own situation, to carry out the situation as it would be more pleasant and understandable to him. Yes...... it turned out that the client said, two steps before anger, I understand myself what is happening at the moment and I can clearly and distinctly see that I am simply being pulled into an emotional funnel! From which I will simply find it difficult to get out later, and this can spin me and, in principle, spun me until this moment of my understanding now! And one more example can be given, for the purity of the experiment. It turned out the other day that I myself, in a hurry, succumbed emotionally to a provocative situation and simply gave out an emotionally accumulated version, instead of simply understanding and accepting the event that was happening. And then it turns out that an attack on communications happens in a fit of anger for each of us. That is, we can spontaneously fall out of the program into emotional anger, instead of stopping and understanding what is happening right now and how we can get out of the situation without losses? Two steps before anger there is responsibility! And long-term therapy and interaction based on a contract greatly helps both parties to better and more clearly learn to understand and hear themselves and feel the present moment and see the promising part and understand where they can go and what exactly they need to pay their own personal attention to at the present moment in time in order to give to appear in space for a person to understand the moment now, to move towards the valuable and present. How difficult it can sometimes be to hold on to the position of an adult and how easy it is to fall out of the role of an adult into the position of a helpless submissive child or to elevate oneself into the role of an all-knowing, dogmatic adult. And now the positions and boundaries of each role and the possibility of finding space are becoming more and more clearly outlined, for better therapeutic assistance in the field of contract for both sides of the ongoing process with transferences and other protections for the parties. In personal therapy, it is possible to obtain a full-fledged, high-quality development of the personality in field of understanding and manifestation of oneself in any of the areas chosen by him, for +7 9510 987594
