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When a person discovers a stable flow of internal motivation within himself, this gives him tremendous opportunities and opens up completely new horizons. At this level there is no longer laziness or fear as such. People here no longer need “carrots” and “sticks”. This is the level of real strength, and to achieve it, of course, you need to do a lot of work on yourself. It consists of two main aspects. The first aspect lies in the content part - in connecting with oneself. This means answering many questions such as “Who am I?”, “Where from?”, “Where to?”, “Why?”. And not just answer, but really feel and connect with these answers with your gut. Define your values, purpose, mission. This can be a long journey that will take more than one year, and the sooner a person begins to ask himself these questions and look for answers, the faster he comes to them. The second aspect is the dynamic part - liberation from the “burden behind your back”. When a person has built himself meaningfully, he has built his ship of destiny. Determined what kind of ship it is, what it is made of, where it is sailing, for what purpose and what its actual purpose is, then it gains integrity. But that is not all. It is important to let go of the anchor that was holding you and set sail towards your goal. All this weight behind your back, anchors, is the weight that a person gains throughout his life. It represents a complex of fears, doubts, apathy, guilt, grievances, negative beliefs, traumatic events, experiences and much more. In general, all the negativity that has accumulated over the past years and does not allow us to move forward. It's like a pile of stones behind your back that you need to get rid of. When you start unloading these stones, the backpack becomes lighter, the load goes away. The backpack on your back puts less and less pressure on you. And you can move calmly. Go towards your goals while being completely connected with yourself. Without fears, doubts, laziness, worries and other stones. Great really! You no longer need to look for strength within yourself. After all, all the strength that was spent holding the backpack is freed. Yes Yes exactly! Every day we spend our strength to support exactly that backpack of stones on our backs that we have collected in our lives. And when we unload it, the strength seems to come from nowhere. But they don't come, they are released! A person begins to live freely, as if he sees the light, looking at this bright and beautiful world, taking a deep breath and realizing that this weight behind his back is no longer there. He knows where to go and achieves his goals easily and with interest. After all, every new ship on his way, every new one he encounters, every new task that faces him only arouses interest and excitement! With love, Nikita Ilyin
