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After several years of marriage, some couples think about why there is no happiness in their family. Why did it go away? From what? Or maybe it never existed? A Russian folk proverb says: “What goes around comes around.” The meaning of this proverb applies to all areas of human activity, and starting a family is no exception. It must be borne in mind that what will be inherent initially in a relationship will have an impact on the entire subsequent life next to this person and, often, will only intensify. If you look at the surrounding nature, you will notice that if you plant a sunflower seed in the ground, from it will grow a sunflower flower, which will bear many new seeds, which, if also sown, will bear fruit. Translating into an everyday example, if people initially indulge their whims and do not listen to each other, they gradually turn into cohabitants, and the family falls apart, instead of becoming even stronger. Another scenario is also possible: “you indulge my whim, and I indulge yours.” At first it may seem very sweet, but gradually becoming an obligatory component of family life, the negativity that arises due to lack of indulgence only destroys the relationship. If you want to have a strong and happy family, “sow the seeds” of happiness: give happiness to the person close to you, take care of him, give him what he lacks, talk more often and learn about his aspirations and dreams, be a faithful assistant and a companion on the path to your happiness, remember about yourself. It is impossible to make someone happy. At the same time, making yourself unhappy. You don’t need to indulge your whims, you don’t need to make your actions a habit - show the person who loves you that this is your good will, and not an obligatory component of your life together, and if you do something, then you wanted it to do, and not any established obligations served as the reason for this. And remember that the other person has exactly the same rights to this as you do. When communicating with your prospective spouse, you should proceed from the concept of equality, regardless of his/her profession, wealth, social circle, etc. The main conditions for establishing a relationship, first of all, should be respect and Love. Think about what you want your family to look like in a year, in five years, in ten. On what postulates will it be based? How will you treat each other? You have to decide what your family will be like right now, because right now you have to lay the foundation on which further relationships will be built. You can ask any builder: if the foundation is unreliable, the walls will not last long. Fear generates and multiplies fear, envy generates and multiplies envy, hatred generates and multiplies hatred, care generates and multiplies care, love generates and multiplies love. Love each other and be happy.
