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There is one non-obvious, but, in my opinion, the most important function that a psychologist performs for a teenager. I’ll tell you more about it. During puberty, a child grows up and begins to separate from his parents. He wants to separate from them at all levels and this is a difficult period for everyone. To separate, he separates, but where does he go and what does he rely on? He needs guidelines in life, he needs people who will fully accept him for who he is and answer his many adult questions. He looks for answers first on the Internet, then from friends his own age, and then he needs an older friend. And during this period, he reaches out to those who are older, wiser and more experienced than him, but definitely not from the family! To someone who does not judge, will not be overly afraid for him, will not be afraid of his behavior, will not reject him, will not remake him. Sometimes this function is performed by older siblings, coaches, teachers, or friends of the parents. But this is the exception rather than the rule. And if such a person is not found, most teenagers are in danger. It is during this period that they find themselves in bad company and under the bad influence of immoral adults. They look to them for answers and receive what their parents cannot give. This often happens in a distorted form and the teenager, due to his inexperience, does not notice how values ​​are being replaced. To avoid such danger and risk, it is important that parents take care of the constant presence in the teenager’s life during this period of a qualified psychologist who can find a approach the child and will be an expert and an older friend, comrade. This is a person to whom he can ask all the questions that interest him and receive honest, wise and expert answers. He will be able to understand how to navigate life, relationships, friendships and parents. He can share his most intimate things and get help. And all this is in addition to more global needs, such as anxiety disorders, gambling addiction, aggression, reluctance to learn and others, which are primarily addressed by parents of teenagers. For this, a specialist, in addition to all his professional competencies, must have such personal qualities as to be able to establish trust relationship, to arouse the teenager’s affection and desire to trust him. It is sometimes difficult for parents to accept the fact that a growing child will not discuss everything with them. Trying to become your child’s “best friend” is a thankless task that will delay (if not completely destroy!) the process of natural timely separation and, accordingly, the child’s growing up. And another very important point is confidentiality in communication between the teenager and the psychologist. But it should be within reasonable limits. For example, I immediately discuss this point with a teenager, that if he is in danger of life and health, we will think together about how best to inform his parents. And sometimes I act as such a mediator, with the help of which this process occurs less painfully, conflictingly and acutely for both parties. In general, the benefits of the presence of a psychologist during a child’s adolescence are undeniable! I work with children from 12 years old with any requests. The optimal frequency of meetings is once a week. If necessary, we meet more often, including on an urgent basis, which allows us to implement the online format. You can sign up for a consultation with me here. I will be glad to see you in my Telegram channel: https://t.me/ilgalandgraf_psy And also in the VKontakte group: https://vk.com/ilgalandgraf_psy
