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Parting means shattered hopes for a long-lasting union and experiencing the pain of loss. Divorce is inevitably associated with difficult experiences - it is always pain, disappointment, destruction of hopes, loss of a sense of stability and security, both for the one who initiated it and for the one who has to go through this path not of his own free will. Divorce is especially difficult for a person in the very first days and weeks. To support yourself and rehabilitate yourself during this difficult period of life, I offer several recommendations that will help stabilize emotional states: ✅ Remove all gifts, photos, things of your ex-partner, as they are a trigger for the emergence of memories and possible strong negative emotions. ✅ Look inside yourself support, that is, remember the difficulties that you once dealt with in your life and how you managed to do it, what helped. So, with the help of your previous experience, you can find the strength to survive the experience that has happened.✅ During this difficult period of your life, your friends, colleagues, relatives, psychologist, anyone who can listen, sympathize, support, can also become a support and resource. be angry, sad and cry with you. Ask them for help and support, tell them how and how they can support and help you. Kindness towards yourself, help and support from loved ones is exactly what helps you cope with the storm of emotions that overwhelm you after a divorce. ✅ Do something that you loved to do, but did not do in marriage due to constant lack of time. Or try something new to you. Don’t forget to eat right and regularly and do as much physical exercise as you can.✅ An important factor that you can also rely on is the fact that the emotions and feelings that are now clearly arising will pass! It takes time, about about a year (it’s different for everyone) to process the divorce and release it emotionally.✅ Don’t rush into another relationship after the divorce, give yourself time to rest and recover. The saying: “They knock each other out with each other” will not work here, since you will unconsciously compare the new partner with the previous one and the relationship in this case will not develop, since your feelings about the divorce will not disappear anywhere, they will play out in your interaction with the new person. And there is a chance that you will be disappointed again, which may reinforce your negative beliefs about the relationship.✅ If you broke up due to your partner’s destructive relationship towards you, then it is important to know that after some time the emotions will subside, and your The psyche will begin to remember, from all the bad things that led you to divorce, the good moments that happened between you. You will feel regret and want to go back. Here it is important to remember who you left and record all the negativity on paper - write down the reasons why you left this relationship. Then fix the most negative memory in your memory and when only good things come up from your ex-partner, remember the reason where your self-preservation instinct worked and which led you to the decision to break off the relationship. There is no way to completely avoid difficult emotions. In any case, it will take enough time, support and resources for the wounds of mutual grievances to heal. Making a breakup less painful means maintaining health on a psychological and physiological level. If you are divorced/or are at the stage of divorce/and you cannot cope with your emotional state on your own, I invite you to a consultation to process feelings, emotions and find support and resources to restore balance in the emotional sphere and a comfortable psychological state. You can sign up here: Whatsapp +79155388218
