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Figure. 1. Distribution of points according to the “drawing of a person” method in a group of children. The horizontal axis indicates the stages of measuring the level of anxiety, and the vertical axis indicates the results of the measurements taken. Abstract: The article discusses the main components of anxiety in preschool children. Attention is paid to its manifestations and development factors, as well as methods of correction. Particular attention is paid to play therapy, its implementation and its intended purpose. Society has always had a fairly high percentage of children with emotional disorders, which manifests itself in anxiety in children, and can also have an impact on the course of mental development. In such a situation, children may feel tense, insecure, and have difficulty establishing contact with other people. One of the common causes of anxiety in preschool children can be tense relationships with parents and peers. Anxiety must be diagnosed in a timely manner. This need is due to the fact that a high level of anxiety can lead to very serious negative consequences, including a decrease in the overall level of health of the child. To solve these problems, you can use the method of play therapy, which relieves anxiety and tension, and also increases the child’s self-esteem. Research hypothesis: the use of therapeutic agents such as play therapy during specially organized psychocorrectional classes is productive and helps reduce the level of anxiety in preschoolers. To check hypotheses, the following methods were chosen to diagnose the level of anxiety: 1) Anxiety test R. Tamml, M. Dorki, V. Amen. 2) Projective technique “drawing of a person” according to the interpretation of Wenger A.L. 3) Questionnaire for identifying the level of anxiety Lavrentieva G S.P., Titarenko T.M. (for educators).4) A questionnaire compiled by the researcher for teachers to identify anxious children on the part of teacher educators.5) Conducting a correctional program with elements of play therapy to reduce anxiety in preschool children. Sampling: In diagnostic experiments and subsequent correctional play therapy sessions 19 children aged 5-7 years (11 boys, 8 girls) with increased levels of anxiety participated. Procedure Stages of the study: 1) Preliminary stage of the study. A confirmatory experiment was carried out, which included a primary diagnosis of children, identifying their level of anxiety. After identifying the level of anxiety, a group of children was formed with whom a correctional and developmental program was carried out. 2) A correctional and developmental program was drawn up and tested with elements of play therapy and anxiety correction based on the work of such scientists as D. Levy, G.L. Landreth and etc. The goal of the program is to reduce the level of anxiety in preschool children through special correctional and developmental classes with elements of play therapy; it includes the following stages according to A.I. Zakharov: bringing children into a group, stories, games, discussions. For example, there are discussions: the conversation “How to deal with difficulties.” There are also many games, here are some of them: “Hidden Problems”, “Sprout in the Sun”, “Caterpillar” and many others. Self-reflection classes are also conducted at the end. The objectives of the program were as follows: to teach children techniques for identifying their anxious state and mastering their anxiety; teach children to use ways and techniques to relieve psycho-emotional stress. Lesson schedule: 10 lessons (40-50 minutes) 2 times a week, after every third lesson repeated diagnostics using the Anxiety Test by R. Temple, M. Dorki, V. Amen and Human Drawing. The correction program is divided into three stages: 1. Acquaintance;2. Enriching the emotional sphere of children, their awareness of their emotional state and the ability of children to manage their emotions; 3. Corrective work aimed at reducing anxiety levels in 205 (26%)6 (32%)08 (42%)
