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Probably every woman had to ask herself the question: whether to interfere in the relationship between father and child or leave everything as it is. Let them figure it out themselves. This is a complex topic and I am sure that each mother worries about the “correctness” of the educational process of the father and children. How sometimes you want to reprimand your husband, pointing out that “this is not necessary,” that “this is not pedagogical,” etc. There are, without a doubt, situations when you can point out to the child’s father his clearly ineffective methods of education, but then the mother also needs to be completely confident in the effectiveness of her methods. And this rarely happens. What works in mother-child contact may have no effect at all in father-child contact. This needs to be taken into account. Sometimes I really want to tell my father “what should be done,” to act, say, do what he should not do. How does dad feel when he receives endless instructions from his wife-mother of their common child? Your powerlessness, worthlessness, self-doubt, and then a complete detachment from the process of upbringing may arise: I’m doing everything wrong, then let the mother do the upbringing. Agree, this is not exactly what a mother would like to receive from the child’s father. The child’s father’s withdrawal from difficult controversial issues, distance, indifference to upbringing and communication is the result of the mother’s frequent or constant intervention in building her relationship between the father and the child. This is a relationship and will not be like a mother-child tandem. They will not be smooth or conflict-free at all. They will be as they can be. Tough, quiet, sometimes rude, unnoticeable, but they will in any case complement the relationship between mother and child. They will balance the gentleness, tolerance, and calmness that the mother gives. The father-child relationship has its own unique harmony, its own music. It may seem to a woman that the father has no contact with the child at all or is doing it somehow wrong. No, there is communication in any case, even if it was only 10 minutes in a week. The child receives the amount of information about dad, exactly as much as he needs to form his own idea of ​​dad, completely different from the mother’s opinion. I would like to emphasize once again that you should not interfere in the father-child relationship, except in the most extreme cases of a clear threat to health. I do not consider such cases. It is unlikely that instructions, frequent reproaches and comments will be able to change the model of raising your husband’s children. Change can only come from the desire of the man himself. And the child builds his own relationship with his mother and father. Children feel each parent very subtly. Therefore, the mother’s unnecessary remarks about the father may be perceived by the child as a conflict between the parents, and not as difficulties in the relationship between father and child. Maintain harmony in family relationships and all educational aspects; it is better to consider difficulties in private and, if possible, allow each parent to build their own unique, even if complex, sometimes “wrong” relationship with their children. After all, no one knows what kind of feedback about educational methods your child will leave in the future. It may well be that the father’s toughness or gentleness will be a priority in shaping his own model of upbringing for the child in his future family. And no one can prevent this. And the “correctness” of the mother’s upbringing will have the exact opposite effect on the children and will become an example of inimitation.
