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In one children's song there were these words: “a smile will make everyone brighter!” And it is true. The influence of a smile on our mood, as well as the mood of those around us and our lives in general, is truly great. By smiling, we send impulses to the world that we are joyful, prosperous, harmonious and healthy. Smiling makes us more attractive, open and positive. Happy people actually smile more often. What is the secret of a smile, and how does it change our reality? A smile appears with a surge of positive emotions and is an involuntary reaction of the body that causes a number of physiological changes in the body. The corners of the mouth rise, the eyes squint a little, we feel the movement of the cheeks. Some may experience increased heart rate, increased blood flow, and temperature changes. All these bodily changes send certain signals to our brain, which it recognizes as happiness. But the main paradox of smiling is that this process is self-perpetuating. This means that even if we are forced to stretch our facial muscles in a smile, we will feel a clear lift in mood, and the neurons of our brain will produce endorphins - hormones of happiness. We need to smile a lot and often. However, numerous experiences, depression, difficult life situations are often imprinted on our face. Many people wear a gloomy mask on themselves for years. Even if the problems that once plunged us into sadness have long disappeared, the habit of keeping the facial muscles tense and clenched remains. But they, like any other muscles, need periodic training. And a smile is perfect for this, toning not only more than 20 facial muscles, but also our mood. By the way, people who smile more often cope with stress and illness much easier, and age more slowly. For many, the “inner smile” helps with this. This is a psychological term that means smiling at yourself, at your internal organs. Unlike a facial smile, an internal smile can be evoked much more often and maintained much longer. However, this also requires some practice. After all, enjoying yourself and your body is a kind of art. Taoist practices include special meditations and techniques that help develop a sense of “inner smile.” Their essence lies in the ability to relax and focus on the sensations of your body, sending positive impulses to your organs. One of the main reasons for premature aging is the constant negative emotions that abound in the day of every modern person, especially women. So many of us live in a constant state of anger, despair, and sadness. Smiling at our internal organs, filling them with the energy of love, we calm down, relax and transform negative emotions into positive ones, and old age into youth. It is easier for us to cope with illness and depression. The “inner smile” is comparable to methods for rejuvenating internal organs at the level of their functionality. After some time of practice, the inner smile begins to appear on its own, and this does not go unnoticed by others. You seem to exude an inner light that warms you and those around you. Make one rule - smile at yourself and those around you every day. There is no need to have a significant reason for this. Enjoy various little things, the world around you, the manifestations of yourself. Find things around you that you can truly smile at. Then your life will sparkle with completely different colors.
