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Marriage of convenience is the most honest type of marriage. Don’t agree? Did the words cause a storm of emotions? And this may indeed be so. Marriage by mutual agreement and complete transparency in relationships can lead to a long and stable union. Many women, entering into relationships, position themselves with princesses, putting themselves in the hands of a courageous prince who promises to be this and that, to protect, provide, in his arms wear. Women, in turn, promise to be gentle, affectionate, sexy housewives who never imagine themselves as grumpy “women” who are always dissatisfied with something. After the passport is stamped, a lot can change, can’t it? Every second person can say that her expectations were not met and she, hand on heart, is disappointed in her prince without a crown, who could not or did not want to provide all her fantasies, as with wardrobe, and with romantic evenings. Men haven't left us far either. In their male companies, very often, wives are assigned the following verbs: “composted,” “sawed,” “pecked the brain,” “cleaned the wallet,” etc. And you and I turn into some kind of feathered, mangy partridges. And all this, all these role changes, from princes to paupers and from princesses to partridges, happens for a simple reason - expectations and fantasies from marriage were not met. And why? But because no one honestly stated what he actually needs from his soulmate! The desire to live in a convenient area, in the city, to have a significant status as a “wife”, to have income and not work, or to work little, for men to have a woman who will satisfy and can be proud of her, who will not be fat even after giving birth, will look gorgeous, even if you don’t invest money in it, etc., etc. All this is wonderfully covered up with the so acceptably sweet words “I love you” and “you are so important to me.” Of course it is important, we know what we want and expect from Him or Her. For many, a marriage for love and a marriage of convenience may differ only in the opportunity and courage to declare: “I like you... and your apartment too. I am ready to be such and such, and you, in turn, do this and that for me. And in general, I have big plans for you, since I plan to take full advantage of your opportunities.” So simple and so honest. Of course, this phrase may cause a negative reaction in you. And you won't even agree. Just before categorically declaring that “No, this is not about me!” remember your last quarrel with your significant other and name the true reason for that event. Think and answer yourself, if possible. Maybe all this happens because we really want and are ashamed at the same time to directly declare our “mercantile” interests, which, by the way, were very carefully removed from our upbringing by our society. It’s like a conflict between honesty and politeness. It seems to me that in our unions there is a calculation in everything. The value of such a calculation and an honest agreement lies in the conditions that each of the participants is ready to fulfill. You fulfill points 1-3, I do 4-6, and everyone is happy, everyone knows that their expectations from marriage will be consistently met. I do not propose now to reconsider the value of your relationship and radically accept this or that point of view, but try the option of honest confession your benefits from marriage and articulating how acceptable this may be, I suggest you start. These are the pitfalls that will no longer prevent you from appreciating your Partner precisely for what he already gives you. By recognizing your position in the relationship, you can begin to “negotiate” and thereby strengthen your alliance, receiving and giving what is in your power. A marriage of convenience is an opportunity to talk openly about our expectations and needs, with which each of us, in fact, enters into marriage: women want affection, warmth, support and “beauty”; men want fidelity, comfort, support and children. To each his own.
