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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, which you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia” Probably autumn…. someone might think, a period of exacerbations and complications, incl. and problems of our psyche. Although, in my practice as a sexologist, family psychologist and psychotherapist, I would say that female sexual problems, such as vaginismus, dyspareunia, frigidity, anorgasmia, alibidemia, problems with obtaining and achieving orgasm, and others, most often do not depend on the time of year .Perhaps the note of loneliness is becoming more acute here, I want warmth, love and comfort, and, of course, the hugs of my beloved man, but here it is, and everything goes topsy-turvy.... With a similar difficulty, a girl from Moscow, who was slightly over 20 with problem of anorgasmia. She has never experienced orgasm not only with any man, but also, as they say, with herself, and this is already a big problem (emphasis on the first syllable), as experienced sexologists, family psychologists and psychotherapists believe. This is what we began to work with. The first thing that the client would like to remove was nervousness, anxiety, the feeling that sex is a duty. All this influenced her behavior and served as the source of her female sexual problems. The girl decided that she had “burnt out” and began to refuse men even further away from her. You probably know such women-goddesses that men are afraid to approach... But inside herself, the client felt that this was a dead end path, and something had to be done about this to change the situation, and choose a different vector of movement, where there will be female sexual problems (anorgasmia), and other difficulties with achieving orgasm. I note that this is not so simple, and it is impossible to solve such a situation in one go. Therefore, I will voice only a small episode of our work so that you can understand how sexual therapy is structured in a similar version. The first thing worth noting is the “classic” thought of most girls and girls, often associated with strict upbringing, that “sex is shameful, dirty,” and even dangerous... We removed this attitude that the client received from her mother. Then, we eliminated her tension, fixation on the problem of anorgasmia, and sorted out the negative experience of relationships with previous sexual partners. Now the client is aware that men are also different, there are among them those who also have their own male sexual problems with potency and erection, for example, premature (accelerated) ejaculation, or the same syndrome of anxious expectation of sexual failure (ASF). And you shouldn’t take everything personally, and of course, if you want to maintain the relationship as a couple, then in this case it is better to resort to couples sexual therapy. Next, I should have worked with her emotionality as a family psychologist, sexologist and psychotherapist. And for the client, in this case, we transformed her condition. There was a feeling when: “nothing is working out,” which already caused a primary blocking of the upcoming sex, and set me up for failure. Having removed this, the girl was filled with lightness and airiness. Then we changed the disappointment and frustration, as a consequence of the previous state, to a positive attitude. Instead of “nothing happens again,” we added a change of scenery, more activity for her and her sexual partner. The last state in this bunch , which was worth working out - “go with the flow, giving up on everything.” Then the color of the water on which the client was swimming changed - the water became clean and transparent.!
