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There is a phenomenon called psychological infertility. The girl can't get pregnant. Doctors are in a very interesting position. On the one hand, there is no result (pregnancy). On the other hand, the tests may be good. The doctors shrug their shoulders: “We don’t know what to do with you.” Such people come to us for constellations. I have several stories. Listen and don't say you didn't hear. ***Several years ago, in one of the regional centers, I conducted three advertising master classes in June, July, and August. We advertised a training course on constellations. As part of the master classes, I did 5-6 constellations during the day for ten people present who potentially wanted to take part in the training course for women. The result in September was this. The organizer said that the start of the course was under threat of failure, because four out of ten women became pregnant and said: “We won’t go to the course, we will give birth to children.” We call such children constellation children*** I am often asked: “Do constellations harm pregnant women and babies?” According to my observational experience, the answer is no, they do not harm, but caution and safety rules must be observed. The most interesting experience was during one of the training courses, when the expectant mother told us: “The child asks not to participate in this arrangement.” And she left the hall. And she calmly participated in other arrangements. And when the child gave birth to her: “Gulya-gulya.” She told us: “I need to go out.” In this way, the child himself regulated the degree of his participation in the constellations. ***In one of the cases, a girl could not get pregnant for a long time. I had to heal the entire family system - both the wife and the husband. In a series of constellations, she and her husband did not look towards the unborn child - they were very busy with their parents and other important things. To turn the spouses towards the child, they resorted to such a trick. They gave their parents the image of caring angels (healing forces of the Universe), who, in the form of massage therapists, cosmetologists, and waiters, took care of mom and dad, like a team of sailors on a luxury cruise liner tiptoeing around VIP clients, fulfilling all their whims and desires. Only after that, having weaved this very bright image in space, they were able to turn to the child, and literally very quickly after that one child was born, and then another. ***One situation was completely paradoxical. A woman came to us and said: “I’m 39 years old, I want to have time to give birth to a child.” Over a period of about two years, 8-10 arrangements on one topic were made at intervals. And in each of the constellation sessions, a screaming child appeared in the field, who turned out to be unwanted, and who was left in the cold to die. To this day, I don’t know whether this situation with one child was so highly charged that it was repeated many times, or whether there were 10 children in the family, each of whom had such a fate. I don't know this for certain. In the end, the woman admitted to us: “I don’t have a uterus. When I was 20, I had an accident and had to have my uterus removed.” Why are you leading us by the nose? And she replies: “I am absolutely satisfied with our interaction. During this time, all my sisters and cousins ​​got married and had children.” Such pies. This is a completely unique case of a person’s conscious work for the prosperity of his family, for the improvement of the entire family system. What system dynamics lead to the absence of children? The toughest dynamics that exist in this situation is when a woman in the family becomes pregnant and dies in childbirth. The price for love, the price for trying to give birth to a child turned out to be too high for a woman. A woman who died in childbirth usually looks like this in the constellation: a feeling of cold, lethargy, powerlessness in the body, a gradual flow of life down (bleeding). It’s as if there’s a cold liquid flow between the legs, as if it’s life coming out of a person. At the emotional level, in most cases there is strong melancholy, hopelessness, and powerlessness to change anything. Sometimes there is annoyance and aggression: “That’s why I went to the dance!!! This is where I came for coffeedrink!!!”The descendant of such a woman may unconsciously remember a similar story by completely blocking sexual relations in her life. The female descendant will “only be friends” with men, or communicate from afar, preferably only online, choose a partner from another city or even country, with sex so irregular that New Year’s is more often (and this is not a joke). And what is it all for? So that there would not be the slightest chance of getting pregnant and putting your life in such danger as your ancestor.*** The second most common or most important system dynamics that leads to blocking childbearing is this. If there was a woman in the family who gave birth to many children, but then due to various circumstances (war, disaster, epidemic, famine, etc.) these children died before her eyes, died in her arms, then this forms the attitude or the thought in her head: “Why did I give birth to so many of them. Why do all this if I have to endure such suffering and see their painful death?!” This attitude is transmitted through the channels of the unconscious to descendants: “It is better not to give birth at all than to endure such torment.” Descendants can carry this dynamic and sacredly carry out the instructions of their ancestor.*** Another systemic dynamic (unconscious negative pattern) is a situation in the family when a child was not needed: it was not from the man he loved, it was not on time, it was secret from her husband, etc. .p.And women not only tried to hide this pregnancy with all their might, they tried to have abortions or artificial miscarriages, or gave birth so that no one knew, or killed the child, or gave him away... All these options are very difficult. If a woman It was not possible to hide the pregnancy, it could have ended in expulsion for her, or deprivation of her previous status. In one case that I know of, a woman, after an unwanted pregnancy from a “stray boy,” was literally kept under the stairs in a closet like a dog, kept in a black body for the rest of her life. The details that emerged in that arrangement were very brutal. Unconscious message for posterity: “You can’t get pregnant, because it can lead to tragedy.”*** Another story that is etched in my memory. A man and a woman got together. Before marriage, their sex life was very active and very beautiful. They had everything, and they were both very happy with it. They were going to get married and got married. We got to the registry office and signed. And immediately after this there was complete impotence and frigidity in both. It's like strangers in the same bed. A very interesting story emerged from the man’s family system. He had a grandmother in his family who was very much in love with a man and was going to marry him. But the war happened and he volunteered to go to the front and died there. But she hoped and waited for him until 1947. All these years, a persistent local suitor kept knocking on her doorstep. Only in 1947 did she finally become convinced that her fiancé was dead, and she agreed to marry a boyfriend whom she did not love. She didn’t have feelings for this man, she just had to arrange her whole life. And what happened was what happened. For my grandmother, wedding and marriage were combined in her mind with the collapse of hope for love, with hopelessness. Her hopelessness turned out to be tied to the registry office and official marriage as a trigger. And her descendants, before the official marriage, indulged in sexual pleasures completely normally, and then bam and that’s it! Part of loyalty to the grandmother was the following. The grandmother did not wait for her beloved, did not bear him children. To prevent their descendants from having children, they “reduced their sexual activity.” Thus, the theme of childbirth may be associated with the theme of children, but in addition, it may be associated with the theme of relationships between men and women, the theme of love, and the theme of sexuality.** *There is the trauma of the “overthrown emperor.” For some time, the first child is a light in the window for his parents, like cheese rolling around in butter, receiving the love of his parents “in one person.” And suddenly a younger brother or sister is born. And the mother’s attention switches to the youngest child. The elder experiences a variety of feelings (indignation, anger,resentment, sadness). It was as if he had lost his parents. His parents were taken away from him by his younger brother. The trauma of losing maternal and paternal attention can be so serious that he can create within himself the attitude: “I definitely won’t arrange this for my children. I definitely won’t let my children feel this!” And the most reliable means of implementing this attitude is not to have children at all. If the birth of children is associated with such pain, it is better not to have children. And this can completely or partially block sexuality and the ability to bear children.*** Abortions and miscarriages very strongly block the ability to bear children. If a woman has many abortions and miscarriages, then part of her personality is at the funeral, in the cemetery of unborn children. She has no time for the birth of children, she looks at the dead and unborn. And her children also suffer in this area. The children begin to work as a garbage container, begin to help carry her feelings and her condition, and also do not look at the birth of living children, they also look at the cemetery of their brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts. This is how it sometimes repeats itself from generation to generation. Grandmother has many dead children, mother has many unborn children. Our contemporary has psychological infertility, the inability to have children. At the same time, my grandmother’s children died of hunger (out of 10 children, two survived). My mother had many abortions in memory of my grandmother (for example, 15). And her daughter cannot give birth to children. The same topic is experienced differently in different generations.***Endometriosis, polycystic disease, and other gynecological diseases in women can sometimes completely block childbearing, sometimes creating additional risk factors for having children. The cyst can burst and pose a threat to the woman’s health and life. One young woman underwent 5 operations to remove cysts on the ovary, and another – the sixth – cyst appeared. The surgeon tells her: “Girl, I’m tired of cutting you up, go to psychologists, find out why this is growing on you.” Being in the role of this girl, I stepped back a few steps, into the generation of great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, I was bent over in a pose of completely unimaginable grief, like as if I were crying over the bodies of my dead relatives. And I have very mixed feelings. On the one hand, I have strong grief, endless pain and powerlessness, and on the other hand, wild rage towards the killers. The girl says: “My great-grandmother was a pilot and bombed the Germans during the war.” As a solution, the girl looked at the victims very respectfully and said: “You are victims of war. I can see you. You died at the hands of my great-grandmother. And you were grieving. And I respect you all. I respect all your feelings. There was a war. It was hard for everyone. People died in the millions on both sides. I sympathize with you very much, I sympathize with your grief...” The girl spoke very respectfully. She put a lot of respect into her words. I, being in the role of those grieving over the dead victims, came out of my crouched position, came out of a completely aggressive, sad, helpless state, straightened up and turned into a completely calm pillar of salt. The girl said: “I will remember, I will remember all of you not with cysts, but simply with bright memory and respect.” With this, we completed the arrangement. A month and a half later, the girl told us that the next ultrasound examination did not find a cyst. It was like a small miracle. A miracle of healing.***When working with the dead, the following phrases help very well: “Death reconciles everyone.” “For death, both killers and victims are all equal.” “I cannot be held responsible for what happened a lot in the war years ago.” “For me, the main thing is that my great-grandmother passed on life to me.”*** The topic of psychological infertility, pregnancy and childbirth is also complicated by such a nuance. Women, at least in most cases, know about their unborn children, at least , they can guess. And men may not know about their children, so women may not tell them about it. This may be a closely guarded secret. Sometimes the number of children (unborn and deceased) is important to find out as accurately as possible. It is advisable to give them names,
