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Many people unconsciously associate excess weight with weight in society, in a team, with physical strength. Insecure bosses often suffer from excess weight. For example, female bosses who are surrounded by men both at work and at home. Such women are afraid of “shrinking”, and suddenly they will stop listening and noticing at all. Dear women, remember a few examples of successful women. Are they all overweight? If we are not talking about sumo wrestling, BBW show stars and the like, I think that you will find worthy role models who combine slimness and success. Also, workaholic women who take on so much that a graceful beauty cannot even handle half pull, but just right for a heavy truck. In this case, it is enough to realize that you are a “heavy weight” and your weight begins to change. The desire to be “good” The origins of being overweight begin in early childhood. All adults in our youth constantly instilled in us the idea that those who eat well and leave nothing on the plate deserve approval and a pat on the head. And therefore, children, if they want to meet the expectations of adults, will scrupulously eat everything that is served to them, in any quantity. Just to get another praise. As a result, a persistent program is formed in the brain - the more I eat, the sooner I will be praised and even, perhaps, given some kind of “bonus.” And, unfortunately, the attitudes laid down in childhood remain in most cases with us for life. Moreover, they are often “passed on by inheritance.” And even a woman who has unsuccessfully struggled with excess weight all her life raises her daughter in the same way. To be continued. Lana
