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From the author: Published on the website, where you can also watch a video clip for this article with my participation. Parents often wonder: “What are these terrible creatures that inhabit children’s literature and television screens, Who are these heroes unknown and incomprehensible to us? “Which fairy tales are better to read to children, old or new?” The most frequently used saying: “In our childhood, there were no such people...!” Only those who are lazy now do not talk about the “abnormality” of modern fairy-tale characters. A correspondent for the Vetta television company asked me a similar question. I think the following about this: Fairy tales are a kind of bank of life situations that most fully reflects everyday experience, the spiritual heritage accumulated by generations of our ancestors. There was a Soviet period in our country, and children's literature reflected the current era. For example, everyone’s favorite works by Eduard Uspensky “Holidays in Prostokvasheno”, “The Adventures of the Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka”, whose heroes helped the child gain social experience about the interaction between the intelligentsia and the working class. We can conclude that modern heroes are neither good nor bad - they are simply different, they carry other information corresponding to scientific and technological progress, for example. Fairy tales - in a symbolic form, reflect the main psychological problems of people - our archetypal internal conflicts. Family relationships (for example, rivalry between brothers and sisters) and personal problems (exiting a child’s dependent position, self-affirmation, awareness of one’s merits, experiencing the Oedipus complex). The hypothesis that the order in which children are born in a family determines the characteristics of their personality has been preserved from the times when folk tales took shape. Parents are sometimes frightened by fairy-tale violence and cruelty; Modern children's literature often tries to avoid everything scary and sad, but of course this cannot be given a positive assessment. “You shouldn’t give up on scary fairy tales: by dramatizing a child’s unconscious fears, they help him realize them and overcome them. Light literature, cleansed of suffering and cruelty, only teaches the child to hide his anxiety.” Read as much as possible with the child, thus helping to awaken the child who is hidden in each of us, revealing the power of our own imagination, which can transform us and our lives .Maria Seraya, February 24, 2011.
