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The topic of sex is not always acceptable in a discussion between two partners, let alone telling it to children. But it is by looking at their parents, their attitude towards this important area of ​​life, that children form an attitude towards themselves and their sexuality. Today I want to determine the behavioral aspects of parents that influence their lives and the future sexual life of their children.1. Men and women are different, and a person's gender is a gift, not a punishment. In my clients, I often observe a lot of expectations from men about what they should experience, how to behave and what things to value. And if not, the partner is the enemy. Yes, men and women are different - but this difference was created for each other’s happiness, and not for fighting among themselves. The fact that men have one personal needs, and women have others, this does not at all mean a war of the sexes, and the fact that everyone should adapt to each other for the sake of peace in the family.2. Physiology. Despite the fact that almost every advertisement talks about sex, many women and men do not know what is happening in their bodies, how the sexual sphere affects their lives, and in general that the genitals are organs, and not an attribute for blackmail and shyness. You take care of your teeth - great, but you also need to take care of your genitals, and contraception is one of the important points of self-care. And this is important for children to know. We need to talk about condoms, and it’s important! As well as about other important points of sexuality.3. Sexual desire. Nature created us so that we would be attractive to the opposite sex, or not to the opposite sex. And it is normal that each of us experiences sexual desire. Therefore, prohibiting yourself from feeling yourself, your needs and expressing them leads to the fact that the child receives a broadcast - your body is bad, which means you are bad! And again we come to psychosomatics.4. Sex is a value. Sex is love, a delicacy for the body, and an opportunity for a couple to feel each other in a new way. This is not a process of rubbing the genitals to create children. It is part of us and should be appreciated. This natural antidepressant is one of nature’s options for caring for us. Parents, remember, if you want happiness for your children, start with yourself. You can’t tell a child about happiness when you punish yourself for this happiness. With love for your sores, psychologist, sexologist, psychosomatologist Tatyana Pavlenko
