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Bullying at school Nowadays, the topic of bullying is very common, they talk about it, write about it, and hold group events. And this is very important. First of all, let's figure out what bullying is. Bullying (from English bullying - “intimidation”, “mockery”, “bullying”) is psychological and physical violence. Why is it important to talk about this? The more people understand the importance of this problem and know about ways to cope with it, the more destinies can be saved. Under no circumstances should this problem be devalued! What does silencing and ignoring lead to: - the problem will not resolve on its own, it will only get worse; - a child who is bullied is in constant fear, which leads to low self-esteem, distrust of the world around him, mental disorders, suicide; - children who observe bullying are also in fear that they may become a victim; the child-aggressor develops distorted concepts about the so-called authority, he thinks that by humiliating another he can gain power and strength, and he will try to implement this experience in adult life, where it does not work, and can even lead to crime and imprisonment. So what to do if your children become participants in bullying? Do not remain silent. Teachers, psychologists and school management must be immediately told about what happened. A child who has been subjected to violence must be supported, surrounded with love and care. The child should know that you are always on his side, that you will help him, that there are no hopeless situations! If your child is an aggressor, convey to him the importance of what is happening, analyze the situation in the family, go to a psychologist. Negotiate with teachers, parents, school management .If your child has been subjected to violence and the above methods of resolving the conflict do not help, change school. It is important to remember one thing: anyone can become a victim of bullying, regardless of physical or mental abilities, or financial status. Take an interest in your child’s life, be attentive to his problems, and do not stand aside. You can make an appointment by phone: 8-952-421-54-33 https://vk.com/id55687092
