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— Well, the curvature of the spine cannot be corrected... That’s why I can’t force myself to work on my back. Here I am sincerely surprised because I straightened my own back. It turned out that he had in mind the opportunity to do something so magical once and for all, so that later he would not have to think at all and not worry about his back. At this point, the reasons for his laziness, his reluctance to start something new, to take on responsibility and the list goes on... Is it even possible to do something with yourself or with your own life once and for all? I am convinced that it is impossible. We are in a constant stream of changes: weather, situations, meetings, information. Whether we like it or not, we ourselves are constantly in change. Statics, immobility in every sense are characteristic only of inanimate organisms. Temporary freezing is a reaction to shock, stress, fear. This condition is NOT normal for a living person for a long time. This is a short-term reaction to a negative impact of great force. And if static appears temporarily in our lives, it does not give a very pleasant feeling (to put it mildly). But at the same time, we manage to so earnestly desire a state of immutability. We strive to do something once and for all. Get rid of guilt, forgive, forget grievances, become self-confident, find goals (the same ones for life!)... Are you sure that you will like it in this state? When nothing happens around you? When you don't move, don't think, don't feel? When there is no aspiration, no movement, no direction... no future? There is something immovable. In this sense, with a physical body it is sometimes easier. At first glance, it's true. I removed my tonsils and my throat stopped hurting. You no longer have to worry about not getting too cold, you can eat as much ice cream as you want, etc. But if your tonsils are removed, infections—bacteria—and other nasty things immediately run deeper. But I’ll think about this later someday, not now. Now I live in the feeling that I did something that once and for all freed me from the responsibility of TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. Surgery in this sense is a wonderful thing. Is it possible to get rid of parental attitudes once and for all? What about dependence on the assessments of others? Is it possible to stop feeling the itching need to take responsibility for others - so that once and for all? Or maybe you have seen people who are able to get rid of the fear of something in a single movement? I am convinced that this is confirmed by the experience of the people I constantly meet, by personal examples - changes require constant work, constant investment of effort. It is impossible to change something in yourself or in your life just once. Any innovation should be approached as if it were a child who is helpless now, will become stronger later, and will definitely get stronger in the future. But any child requires and needs constant care - an investment of strength. Magic wands have not yet been invented. Even esotericists, even those, insist that everything depends on our inner readiness to work tirelessly. Nothing happens on its own. And if you are not ready to be constantly in the PROCESS of change. If you are not ready to ALWAYS invest resources in maintaining and developing something new. Once and for all if you want. Better not start. It’s better not to take care of yourself once in your entire life - this will only make you feel bitter. It’s better not to try to change something in yourself and your life once and that’s it - you’ll only get disappointment. Change is a cool thing. They give a lot of strength. Lots of new successes and experiences. Only if you decide to change - remember, this is forever, this is a continuous process, this is life.
