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Clients often ask the question: “Why doesn’t anything make me happy, even those things that I used to enjoy? Everything is gray and ordinary. Home-work-home.”You’ve just become inattentive . You have missed and continue to miss. Life seems to pass you by, but everything is quite the opposite, life is full, fresh and diverse, but you don’t pay attention to it. Working with attention is my main and most successful direction. I teach my clients attention management. Focusing. I believe that this is the MOST important thing in life. If you do not know how to focus on one thing, for example, in work, the results and achievements will be mediocre. If you don't know how to shift, you get stuck in negative thoughts. If you are not focused on the present moment, your overall quality of life suffers. You are simply missing it. Everything becomes gray, gloomy and lifeless. Today we will train our attention. Technique “Conscious Actions” We will concentrate on some modality (taste, smell, movement, contemplation, emotions..) one by one. 1 EXERCISE Choose a picture or pattern on the wall. Contemplate for a few minutes. Look carefully at every little detail, shades, relief. Don't be distracted by emotions, thoughts, sounds. Pay attention to everything so that later you can write a whole story. 2 EXERCISE Close your eyes and listen to the sounds in the room or on the street. Keep your attention only on the sound. You can turn on music for this. Hear every note, every instrument. Immerse yourself completely. 3 EXERCISE Pay attention to your emotions in the moment. Bathe in them. See how they begin and end. What are you experiencing in your body at the moment? Feel 4 EXERCISE Imagine that your mind is the sky and your thoughts are clouds. Watch them float past you. These are one-pointedness exercises. Perform only one action at a time. Immerse yourself deeply in them, enjoy them, and also know how to switch from one exercise to another. Do it at your own pace. How much do you need for complete immersion. Train outside and at home. If you walk, then just walk, feeling the ground under your feet. If you eat, just eat concentrating on the taste. Smell the flowers carefully, enjoying the fragrant shades. Taste this life. Savor it. Enjoy every manifestation. Write to me about your experiments, what works for you and what doesn’t. For those who do my techniques on their own, I give a Bonus of 500 rubles. With care for everyone on planet Earth, your psychologist, Tatyana Smolyakova.
