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From the author: Adolescence is one of the important, difficult crisis periods for both the child and his parents. Support and confidence that “together we can handle this” is very important during this period! Of course, accepting a child means loving him not because he is beautiful, smart, capable, an excellent student, an assistant, and so on, but just like that, simply because he is! Yu.B. GippenreiterAggressive teenager. Attitudes towards the aggressiveness of children (teenagers) today are ambiguous. Some perceive it as a normal age-related phenomenon, characteristic of a growing person, a maturing personality. Another type of attitude towards adolescent aggressiveness consists of powerful “educational” pressure, when aggression is perceived as a socially unacceptable manifestation. Moreover, any protests, even sometimes objectively justified discontent, are subject to immediate condemnation and punishment. A child with a “difficult” character, who exhibits excessive irritability and protest, sometimes encounters a wave of misunderstanding, both in the family and at school. They begin to treat him as a hooligan, label him, and subject him to disciplinary punishment. As a result, deep-seated personality problems and the true causes of aggression are not identified and continue to influence the teenager in all areas of his life. Hidden reasons continue to exist, and systematic punishment only contributes to their aggravation and greater embitterment of the teenager. Although, oddly enough, the manifestation of aggression is a signal that the child is feeling unwell and really needs help! There can be many reasons and factors contributing to the emergence and development of aggressive behavior in a teenager, let’s consider some of them: Lack of attention paid to the child in family (overprotection). A situation of constant hypercontrol and pressure in the family, strict regulation of all the child’s actions (overprotection). Violence in the family (physical, emotional, psychological, sexual). Misunderstanding on the part of adults, unwillingness to hear and understand the child. Natural age-related need of a teenager in independence. Lack of a positive role model (idol). Fear and uncertainty, inconsistency and instability of self-esteem. Lack of communication skills, immaturity, non-acceptance of social norms and rules. Age crisis associated with a change in the value system and the search for new meanings. “I don’t want to live as it was before, but I still don’t know how to live in a new way, I don’t know how.” There are several misconceptions regarding teenage aggression: Teenage aggression is inevitable. Aggression is biologically inherent in humans, but it should be remembered that in socially disadvantaged conditions it takes on a completely different character and more complex forms, so the prevention of teenage aggression is relevant. The problem of childhood aggression is exclusively a problem of parents, a lack of upbringing. Of course, there are different families and relationships in them, but there are factors that provoke active aggressive behavior within a teenage group (company, class, community, subculture). Teenage aggression is the result of the bad influence of the media, a consequence of imitation of aggression by characters in films and video games. This is partly true, but is not always confirmed by large-scale research. Experience shows that, for example, after watching an action movie, a teenager’s chances of committing an act of aggression are indeed higher than those of his peers, but after 2-3 hours the readiness for aggression is comparable to average age indicators. How to behave and what to do as a parent who has a child goes through such a difficult age period - adolescence?! Of course, there is no universal “recipe”, and each case must be approached individually, but there are several recommendations that may be useful for parents: First of all, an atmosphere of acceptance and support from adults can help identify the true causes of a child’s aggressive behavior. And this, in turn, will be the first step towards overcoming the problem. Help
