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I want to share and offer you this art exercise. It belongs more to the bibliotherapy section, but it is also quite possible to combine it with other modalities. The title is “Book about myself.” The exercise is multi-purpose, but if you highlight the GOAL, then it is awareness, analysis and deconstruction of psychological scenario patterns. Expanding ideas about one's own identity. INSTRUCTIONS and steps for the exercise: Take a piece of paper or take notes on an electronic device. Write a “Book about yourself.” Next, at the bottom, indicate the chapters, their numbers and title. Those. 1) “name”. 2) “Name”, etc. Write the first chapter and its title. Then the second one. Etc. until you feel like you're done. You can have 1,2,3 chapters or 30 chapters. Then look through all the chapters, their arrangement, order and come up with a title for your book, write it. IN ADDITION, you can illustrate the book cover or illustrations for each chapter, these can be expressive quick sketches, symbols or full-fledged paintings. This item is not mandatory, but it will well complement the effect of the exercise and allow you to find interesting patterns. After compiling your “Book about yourself,” you can move on to the most interesting part - its analysis. For this purpose, I would like to propose a series of the following questions: What feelings filled you during the process of creating the book? What situations and stories did this book remind you of? What thoughts and ideas does your book evoke in you now? What dynamics do you observe between chapters when looking at the book? Do you like this dynamics and why? What needs does this book highlight for you now? What does it suggest you pay attention to? What does it say about your strengths and how you cope with difficult situations? What important things would you like to say about your work? If your work had a message for you, what would it tell you? If you could say something to your book, perhaps give it some encouragement, what would it be? Which chapter gets the most attention and why? Which chapter least catches your attention and why? What is this about for you? IMPORTANT, you can rewrite some chapters, their titles, redraw absolutely the entire book if you want and you feel that it is more necessary for you and it will be better. This can be done immediately or some time after the book has been compiled. Do it if you want, anything is possible. How do you feel now after creating and analyzing your book? What experience did you gain from creating the book and interacting with it? What important things should you remember more often? What can you do today, what small steps can you take towards realizing the life you prefer? You can return to this exercise again and again. Revise, rewrite your book over and over again if you want. Or create a new book every time. I hope this exercise will be useful and interesting to you. I will be glad to receive your feedback and distribute the article. Have a nice day, everyone.
