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From the author: The article was written after a session with a client. I think it’s clear that the style of the article is in the spirit of “bad advice.” HOW TO SUFFER CORRECTLY IN A DEPENDENT RELATIONSHIP.1. Find a human object that is superior to you in some way: smarter, richer, more beautiful, stronger, or something else. Important: feel his superiority.2. Feel deep gratitude that he chose you. Important: now your main thought is: “I’m ready to do anything for him.” 3. Do everything to make him happy. Try your best, there should be no dissatisfaction on his face. - wash and iron all his shirts - prepare dinners for his arrival - serve him slippers - clean up the house. Important: Make his happiness your responsibility. The smile on his face is your achievement.4. Show your respect in every possible way. It is advisable to respectfully lower your head and feel your insignificance. Important: being close to SUCH a person is an honor in itself.5. Be afraid of doing something wrong. Feel the fear that he might get angry and even hit you. Be afraid of him. Remember that there is no real suffering without fear. Important: remember that you can easily justify yourself by saying: “I can’t get away from him, I’m afraid of him.”6. Watch movies about love and cry. Feel sorry for yourself. Important: Self-pity makes you feel good.7. Feel angry when he offends you, calls you names. When you do everything the way he wants, not you. Important: forget that you also EXIST.8. Be patient and know that if he offended you, he will definitely give you something. Important: patience is rewarded, your pride triumphs.9. Sometimes try to leave. This adds spice to the experience. Important: pride gives a feeling of strength. 10. Feel like his property. He can allow you or deny you, he controls your finances, he is fiercely jealous of everything that moves. Feel this as extraordinary care and even as something similar to love. Do not pay attention to the inner voice that tells you: “there is something wrong here.” Don’t even think about the fact that you are not happy. This is dangerous, it can destroy the relationship. Important: as long as you are his property, you are protected. 11. Feel sorry for him. Life is difficult for him. Without you, he will definitely be lost. Important: Pity will give you a feeling of heroism.12. Walk in a circle again and again: pleasing - quarrel - resentment - anger - his apology (gifts) - your forgiveness - merging. Important: walking in a circle gives a sense of stability. 13. Under no circumstances seek help from a psychologist, it is dangerous - you may lose all this variety of strong impressions. And you may want to become happy: to have equal relationships, understanding, trust, sincerity and love.
