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Helplessness is a state of a person in which they do not make attempts to improve their condition (does not try to avoid negative stimuli or receive positive ones), although they have such an opportunity. Accompanied by a loss of a sense of freedom and control, lack of faith in the possibility of change and in one’s own strengths, depression, depression, and even an acceleration of death. Wikipedia HELPLESS action - let's imagine...Family: mom, dad, child. The child feels warm and good, he is loved, he is the one and only, but a brother/sister appears. Somehow it turns out that this person who came now takes up all the attention, space, love, you remain on the sidelines. Some children make attempts to get closer to the parent, like this: to be more affectionate, gentle, kind, obsequious, comfortable. Others begin to bite, fight , cry, throw hysterics, scratch out attention, stick. There are still others, after several attempts they gave up and realized that it makes no sense to demand, ask for good, bad from the environment. We must count on what God will send and proceed from the reality of life. The first, I think you guessed it, is in the kings. They may initially be more similar in character to their parent, which encourages warm intimacy. Here Action = reward, love of a loved one. They are loved and accepted. There is no helplessness. The latter most often get their ass kicked. They are more often rejected, misunderstood, and fenced off from them. But brother/sister occupied the niche of warmth, to be warm = to be your own enemy, to become the same, to adapt, to obey, etc. And there’s plenty of anger, grief and resentment. I would call such actions Helpless actions. Because 20% of 100% only bring results. Because they already got it, just to unhook it. Then attempts at action at 80 become ineffective - helpless, although it seems that you are acting for your own good. Still others learn to be within themselves and without the world. There is an internal stagnation here. The beginnings of action are cut off, Helplessness and refusal to act come to the fore. Lack of will, humility, depression.
