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“Doctor, heal yourself,” I reminded myself as I rushed out of the Internet service in irritation. The Internet has not worked for two days now; yesterday the promised repairman did not come. And no one answered the phone all morning. The dispatcher, purely out of Russian habit, said in a disrespectful tone that she was personally not responsible for anything. Yes, many of us are not responsible for anything... even for our own happiness and life. Seething with indignation and feeling helpless, I stopped. She took a deep breath. Take a few deep breaths and exhale for complete relaxation. Then hold your breath. If I usually hold my breath for up to 45-50 seconds. Then, in a state of excitement, I only got 15. Wow! How much the resource state of health decreases if you allow emotions-toxins to work inside you. And most importantly, we create these toxic emotions with our own negative, indignant, dissatisfied, offended thoughts. The mind is calm - our breathing is calm, the mind is excited - our breathing is also excited. Breath and mind are closely interconnected. And you can influence one through the other. Holding your breath helps cope with stress. I realized that it was not enough when they advised me to count sheep to calm down. You also need to hold your breath. Then the effect is guaranteed. Full breathing: we first draw air into the abdominal area, it seems to bulge forward a little, then the air expands the area under the ribs, as if expanding the solar plexus area from the inside, then the air rises to the chest area. It rises and opens up. And the air that has filled it moves apart and expands the chest area, filling it with air and light, pure prana, as they say in India. Exhale: as if we are rolling down a hill, emptying ourselves. After several inhalations and exhalations with full breaths, we hold the exhale. And we count at the speed of the second hand, when you really want to inhale, we release the remaining air from ourselves and hold our breath for some more time - until it’s pleasant. Don't overdo it, don't do it with tension. Everything should be in moderation. The pose is comfortable, relaxed, and your back is straight. Just practice full breathing and holding regularly. And be healthy and happy! So, holding your breath while exhaling: From 5 to 10 seconds inclusive - a high-risk zone: any unfavorable factor leads to a drop in health into the life-threatening zone; 10-20 sec. – poor health under the predominant influence of the energy of ignorance (characteristics of the energy of ignorance are unregulated and disordered life, unhealthy and unbalanced nutrition, bad habits, bad relationships with others, etc.) 20-24 sec. – transition period of 20 seconds – the lower limit of transition to the zone of stable health with a noticeable influence of the energy of passion in combination with ignorance; After 24 sec. – resistance is high, it is very difficult to significantly improve health. All severe stages of the disease (chronic) are left behind. Chronic diseases move into the middle stage of severity. Acute diseases (flu, colds, etc.) can be overcome in 1-3 days with the help of breathing exercises. From the point of view of modern Western medicine, this is a “practically healthy person.” 40-44 sec. The transition period of 40 seconds is the lower limit of the transition to the zone of sustainable health under the influence of passion with residual elements of ignorance in the gross and etheric body and with elements of goodness at the level of good everyday habits and the desire for self-awareness. After 44 seconds. – high stability of health in the energy of passion: enormous efficiency, optimism, excellent health (but very difficult actions in the past - “karmic debts” such as diabetes, cardiac, kidney, brain failures have not yet completely disappeared); 50 sec. – cleansing (global) of the nervous system. Changes in attitude, contemplation, deep understanding and other mental changes. A person literally changes before our eyes. The energy of goodness begins to suppress the energies .
