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From the author: I wrote this note under the impression of the fate of several girls similar to the Barbie doll whom I advised. How's life going, Barbie doll? They are clearly visible in the crowd, the girls are like Barbies: short, beautiful clear skin, slender with sparkling eyes, well dressed, like dolls. They become mistresses of rich daddies. Sometimes these men are close family friends, sometimes they are the director of the company where such a girl or the director’s rich companion has the misfortune of working. These are not always little girls, of course, but always young ones. And “dads” are always older, more experienced, smarter, and most importantly, which girls usually don’t notice, more cunning. They are looking for a “dad” who will love, care, fulfill all her whims, teach, and advise. This is usually an elegant, well-dressed man with gray hair at the temples. He wants the girl to obey him, to admire him as a partner, saving his fading sexual activity, but she does not know about this yet, and maybe she will never know. He has taste, he understands things, he can advise what to buy, how to dress. Often he buys the girl gifts, spoils her, and she thinks that it will be like this forever. For now, he is the best, smartest and sexiest man in the world for her, the man of her dreams. He gives her a feeling of complete protection from all adversities, but, unfortunately, he cannot protect the girl from himself. Gradually, such a gorgeous man fills her whole life, becomes everything to her: dad, mom, teacher. The girl becomes like a butterfly in a web, her friends and former fans fade into the background, and then disappear altogether. And at this very time, complete lack of freedom sets in, a dependence that she does not fully understand. At first they spend a lot of time together. He wants her to be only his woman and strictly monitors this, but the girl doesn’t need anyone else, because she has a beloved daddy. Some time passes, usually a year, two, or at most three. A game called “Something is wrong here” begins. The effect of the new relationship wears off. We need to do something further, somehow develop the relationship. Our Barbie has grown up. The friends already have children, the old fans also all got married. Usually such girls say that they do not want to get married and in most cases daddies are happy with this, because, as a rule, they are married and have adult children and even grandchildren. These men are not going to become newly-made husbands and fathers. And sexual relationships have ceased to cause so much delight..., especially for daddy. He's used to the girl, and she doesn't excite him as much as before. But such men start relationships on the side so that again and again they feel like a MAN, a winner of women’s hearts. At the age of 50-60 years, a man’s sexual activity most often decreases; age takes its toll, but you don’t want to agree with this. And then men use the most reliable and proven method - a new young girl. He has money and life experience, she has youth and naivety. A mutual exchange takes place, and both parties benefit. But this is only at first glance. Unfortunately, on the one hand and on the other, there are illusions, which are then very painful for both to part with. What's really happening? In fact, for some reason the girl has not grown up, has not matured, she does not know and does not understand much. At first, this ignorance and misunderstanding is supported in her by her parents, and then by herself, until life forces her to see. And life will definitely make you understand that this man is not a dad. He is just an elderly man who has sexual problems, and for some time you helped him not to notice them, that’s all, and for these sweet moments he paid you with attention and care. When sexual interest is gone, then “love” is over. This is a real dad who will love you all his life, because you are his daughter. With this illusionIt’s very painful to leave, but it’s necessary. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the girl will remain alone with resentment towards the whole world and a feeling of guilt before everyone and, especially, before herself. At best, he will help and teach her how to organize her own business, buy an apartment and a car, and open a bank account. And then the separation will not be a tragedy for her, and he will not remain in debt. But most often this does not happen. The girl doesn’t even think of asking him about it, and if she does, she doesn’t dare, waits for him to offer it himself or doesn’t ask persistently. Let's look at what they both lost. Yes, yes, loss always happens. If you choose one, then, undoubtedly, you lose the other. She: - loses TIME, her fans, those young people who could later become contenders for the role of husband. Many of them get married, open their own businesses, and become respected people. But it will not be you who will be there as a wife, but another who was not afraid of difficulties and lack of money and his inexperience, but together with him built his business and started a family. You could have been in her place, but this did not happen and this is your choice; - FREEDOM. She becomes dependent on his opinion, feels, thinks, speaks and behaves as he wants. - POSSIBILITY TO MAKE ERROR. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. It is impossible to gain new experience and draw the right conclusion from it without making mistakes. Only by making mistakes and making decisions on your own can you live your life, albeit not always successful and beautiful, but your own. And, believe me, it’s worth paying for it in the absence of comfort for a while. It will be there, this comfort, both material and mental, will definitely be there. And this will become your own achievement, your victory over your fear and uncertainty. And only in this way can you become more mature and stronger, stop being a Barbie girl. And finally become a real WOMAN who knows how to make decisions and take responsibility for her life. He: - loses the TRUST of his wife and children, they feel that something terrible is happening and move away; - LOVE. The wife may never forgive the betrayal, and even if she does, she will never forget. It's hard to live with. Both he and she feel guilty towards each other and mutual resentment; - home comfort and MENTAL COMFORT, which is so necessary for a person to gain strength for further actions. Home and family have a special energy that gives strength. This energy accumulates and intensifies over the years, grows and strengthens. It cannot be created and received instantly. No matter how good it is with the Barbie girl, you will never get this energy from her. You paid a high price for the opportunity to receive sexual delight, you chose not to be with your wife, not to be with your family and give up this power; - OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD NEW RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUR WIFE. This is difficult after so many years of living together, when it seems that you know everything about her and you will no longer be able to get anything new from your relationship with your wife. Nothing like this. If you chose this woman to be the mother of your children, it means that she is worthy of you taking the trouble to explain to her your behavior and your desires, which means that she has exactly the traits that you like. And believe me, there is a lot of interesting and new things in it for you, you just need to want to see it in order to exclaim in surprise: “I didn’t read the most interesting pages in this book.” So, you have two options, gentlemen: 1. So The so-called “easy and simple” way to make your life interesting and get new impressions and sensations is to “buy” yourself a Barbie doll. The beginning of this relationship will be wonderful, but the end will always be sad. 2. The “complicated and difficult” way to live is to build a new relationship with your wife and take responsibility for this relationship. Try to be alone with your wife, go on a trip with her, have a date or organize a candlelit dinner at home. Make sure that everything is the way you like it and takes into account her wishes. And then!
