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“And again about excess weight...” Of course, the parameters of a person’s physical body (height, weight, volume) are purely individual. It is important how free and comfortable a person feels within his “personal parameters”. It is not the external shape that matters, but the consistency of all parts of the body. When a person gets up easily, moves easily, can walk a certain distance and climb stairs without shortness of breath, even if his weight is far from the ideal figures for height and weight, there is no reason to worry. Problems with excess weight arise when kilograms of the body itself prevent you from moving freely in space. Imagine that you have a load attached to your body, 15-20 kilograms, or maybe 50. And with these kilograms you live around the clock, that is, you constantly carry a weight, which is an additional load on the entire body as a whole and requires constant energy replenishment. It turns out that the greater the weight, the more nutrition it needs. It's hard to disagree. Usually people understand that they have achieved an “edge” when the advantage is already measured in significant numbers. “It became difficult to breathe! We need to lose weight!” It is important to understand here that in order to lose weight you need to get out of your comfort zone: 1) Start moving more actively than usual, “burn fat” 2) Change your diet. These are two mandatory conditions. For the body, losing weight is stressful; leaving your comfort zone is a danger, a threat. Accordingly, he will resist and defend himself with all his might, giving alarm signals: dizziness, an unbearable feeling of hunger, fear for health, pain in muscles and joints, and so on. It will be very difficult for a person who has embarked on the path of fighting excess weight, he will have to use willpower , patience, perseverance and even a certain courage. It’s not for nothing that the process of losing weight is called the “fight” against excess weight. And, as in any struggle, there will be a winner and a loser or vanquished. In this situation, this is one and the same person. Completing point No. 2 (see above) does not consist of diets. The diet itself is already stressful for a person, since it is a strict restriction and, of course, will add discomfort, becoming an additional difficult test that will consume psycho-emotional energy. At first, it is better, without changing your usual diet, to reduce its quantity and calorie content, for example, by cutting the usual portion in half. The sage said: “If you got up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger, you are full, if with a feeling of satiety, you overeat, if with the feeling that you’ve eaten too much, you’ve been poisoned” And finally, point No. 1, movement. The most universal type of training is swimming, cross-country skiing, Nordic walking, which is suitable for everyone at any time of the year, in any physical form, aerobic gymnastics. Combining active movement and rational nutrition, developing respect for your own body, taking care of yourself , I hope I will be able to remove the “weight” of excess weight from myself and easily, freely, pleasantly and beautifully move forward in life to new frontiers.
