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From the author: What is important for a woman in marriage Many women find fidelity and reliability especially important in a husband. It seems to me that this happens because a woman in a marriage has periods when she is especially vulnerable and dependent on her husband. These are pregnancy, childbirth and the first years of life with a baby. The expectant mother is greatly influenced by the hormones raging in her body during these difficult years. They sometimes change her beyond recognition, for example, a usually restrained and balanced girl can burst into tears over a trifle reason or start throwing thunder and lightning out of the blue. Also, a newborn, an infant and a toddler are very dependent on the mother, significantly limiting her freedom and opportunities. Taking care of a small child requires the lion's share of strength, health and money, and here a woman depends on her husband more than ever. Of course, there are many mothers who cope alone, but it is very difficult. And if there is a husband who will earn money, take on some of the troubles with the child and give her a little rest and restore her resources, this is a great support. It is important for a woman that her husband be a support, so that she can be sure that he will not leave her. Even when her body changes noticeably during pregnancy and after childbirth. Or when she will not be able to devote as much time, attention and care to her husband as before, since the baby will absorb her almost entirely. When children get older, just as when they are little, you need a partner with whom you can consult about difficult decisions, share responsibility, laugh, cry and complain about difficulties together. Of course, it is not only in connection with children that male fidelity and reliability are important. Even if the children have grown up or never existed, a woman wants to be sure that her husband will stay with her, will not cheat or leave her. And although in our time a woman can easily live independently, providing not only for herself, but even for her children, it is much more pleasant and joyful to share life with a loved one. To those who will not leave her either in case of a serious long-term illness, or when the children grow up, or in old age. And he will be there for the rest of his life.
