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With this article I continue my selection of articles on codependency: https://www.b17.ru/selected/178/. Codependents do everything they can to try to control the behavior of other people. Passive people try to control other people and do it from a position “from below”. It is with the help of passivity that people who do not know how to get what they want in a direct and active way act. If you understand what lies behind the various types of passivity, you can understand how to resist such behavior. 1 type of passive behavior. Typically, a person who is characterized by this type of passive behavior when faced with difficulties and problems says: “I don’t know.” At the same time, as a rule, he does not answer questions. And answers to even the most basic questions are preceded by long pauses. Such a person usually counts on you or someone else (but not him) to think for him. Taking advantage of his weakness and helplessness, he obliges others to solve problems for him. He had long ago learned that it worked. What should you do if you are communicating with a person prone to this behavior? Give him his responsibility: I am convinced that you have the information, so why don't you think about it and then tell me what you want? I believe that you you should think about it If you want to know something that you don’t know, you can ask about it Think about what you want from me (or others) and say it 2 type of passive behavior. A person using this type of passive behavior will constantly ask and expect detailed instructions and explanations from you. At the same time, he will constantly try to please you in whatever way he can. Such a person is very afraid of making mistakes. Constantly experiencing fear of mistakes, he gets used to doing what others tell him. Using this type of behavior, he shifts responsibility to others. If the decision is wrong, he will not be guilty of this, others will be guilty. What to do if you want to confront this behavior? Ask him questions: What reasons do you have for doing this? People have reasons for doing what they do, and I hope you will think about what you are going to do and why you want to do it .3 type of passive behavior This type of passive behavior is accompanied by a huge number of repetitive and unproductive actions. Usually these are aimless movements: tapping (with a pen, pencil, hand), walking from side to side, meaningless and endless conversations, without communicating new information. In this case, the person tries to avoid solving the problem. He is waiting for someone to come, take care of him and solve his problem. How to resist? Stop and think about what you want. Instead of doing this, try to direct your energy to solving this problem. 4 type of passive behavior This type of passive behavior includes: irritation, manifestation of symptoms of various diseases, fainting... destruction of surrounding objects, beating and other forms of physical violence. This is perhaps the most desperate type of passive behavior. In this way, a person tries to force someone else to take responsibility. Accompanied by a discharge of energy and loss of control. What to do in this case? During such an emotional reaction, or even better, an explosion, it is better not to do anything. At this moment, you should not count on feedback. After this reaction, it’s worth returning to the problem: It’s not good of you to solve the problem in this way. Think about how you could solve the problem differently. What should someone who constantly uses passivity in his life do? Understand that no matter how much you avoid responsibility, it is you and no one else who makes the decision and choice in a given situation. You are responsible for this. And if you still can’t hide or hide from such omnipresent things as choice and responsibility, then maybe it’s worth understanding what you want and making an informed choice. In order to escape the trap.
