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From the author: With this article I would like to begin a series of materials devoted to one topic - change. Why change? Because any client request is based on change. Changing oneself. Even if the client says that he wants change external circumstances (family relationships, income level, quality of life, etc.), then this is still a desire to change oneself. Get rid of feelings of anxiety, fear, dissatisfaction, change your view of things, etc. All material will be presented in the form of 9 articles. Each article will trace a certain approach to change, which I would call a “principle.” So, there will be 9 principles. For what and for whom can they be useful? For those who want to change their life, but they constantly fail. For those whose clients “don’t want to change.” We all know how difficult it is...to change. And I hope that my “9 principles” will help you with this. So the first principle is... “The principle of resource allocation” With us there are resources: time, money, attention, strength, etc. And there is a system for distributing these resources (what we spend them on). To understand what kind of resource distribution system a person has, look at what he spends his salary or his time on .When resources increase (whether it is an increase in earnings or an increase in free time), the distribution system does not change qualitatively. Example: if you spent the lion’s share on alcohol with a salary of 15,000, then with a salary of 30,000 you will spend the lion’s share there too. There will also be alcohol, but, for example, it will be of higher quality. It makes no sense to increase resources until you figure out your resource distribution system. Only then is a qualitative leap possible. Change. BUT we all have a belief: I will start doing this or that only when something happens. Example: I will start meeting girls when I start earning good money; I will start playing sports when I have free time; I’ll start eating right “well, from Wednesday.” [I call this something “MOMENT X.” An event in life that, according to the client’s subjective assessment, will completely change him. This could be getting married, quitting a job you hate, or moving to another country. Yes, there can be a lot of things...] In other words - “I will change when I have more resources.” But practice shows that this does not work) First, you need to change the resource distribution system. And then, miraculously, the required resources appear! [To understand what changes are potentially inherent in you, think about how you dream of changing if, for example, you earn more, or you have more free time. These changes are already present in you, in their infancy. And they are feasible.] There are several nuances that are associated with changing the resource distribution system. 1) Like any system, it strives for homeostasis. Those. equilibrium, balance. And, if you decide to radically change “everything at once,” then most likely nothing will work out. You will experience discomfort and “everything will return to normal.” What to do? Change in portions, in doses. Introduce a destabilizing element into the system. One permanent minimal change. For example: start brushing your teeth before bed, do push-ups in the morning, change your perfume, stop swearing. One minimal permanent change per week will be enough. 2) To change the system of resource distribution, you will inevitably have to give up one in favor of another. But we want everything at once, right? And here the question arises about your value system. What is really important to you... Local time it’s already four o’clock in the morning/night and I’m desperately hungry. But I hope I managed to convey the main idea of ​​the first principle to you. If not, ask in the comments. I will happily answer any questions. Criticism and words of support are also welcome) Good night everyone!
