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From the author: If the right person does not appear in our lives, this does not mean that he does not exist in the world of space and time... The reasons for this often lie in space, but already in the internal one, which exists within us. With all the vicissitudes of fate, the greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past. Boethius The environment outside and inside us It is no secret that our life is highly dependent on what kind of people are present in it. This is precisely the notorious influence of the environment. Every day we “simmer” in it, we see how others act, interact, talk about their successes, problems, goals, dreams, desires and fears. Whether we like it or not, all this continuous panoramic 3D cinema is slowly but surely reflected and ultimately imprinted on our internal screen. By the way, this is exactly how the mechanism for forming people’s internal projections in our internal space or social panorama works, as the latter's creator, Lucas Derks, called it. All the people who exist in our lives are encoded in the form of projections in a certain internal space around us with a diameter of about 6 meters. Personal space The most significant people are located closest to us. In the center of the social panorama is the “holy of holies” - our personal zone. A completely different question is who we let in and who we don’t. I remember the case of one client who complained that she could not create close relationships with men. And when fears, parental attitudes and various uncomfortable states were worked out, we decided to check what was located in her inner space. Without hesitation, the client replied that her favorite cats were in the center of the panorama, reliably protecting her from other people. The second echelon after cats were parents and relatives. There was simply no room for his beloved man or his children. The personal zone is often an indicator of various problems in relationships. Parents, relatives, loved ones or representatives of former relationships unexpectedly show up there. Often this zone is too crowded, so much so that no one, even the most necessary and desired person, can penetrate there. Important goals and strengthening visualization When we think about our goals, one of the main tools here is, of course, visualization. We create an image of ourselves that will achieve a goal in the future. Moreover, it is important to see yourself in these pictures from the outside, as I wrote in previous publications. However, there is one more trick to enhance visualization. To do this, it is worth adding to the resulting desired pictures of the future images of people who will help achieve your goals. After all, one meeting with the right person is often enough for the process of achievement to move sharply from a dead point. However, this turns out to be not enough. Why does the right person never appear in life? So, you did everything right by adjusting the image of the goal, but for some reason the right person never appears on the horizon. Soul mates don’t meet, partners don’t want to build relationships, they don’t invite you to an interview and clients don’t call. What’s the matter? And again the reason is that “the vessel is full”, in the corresponding zone of the social panorama all the vacant places are occupied. But now good news awaits us - we can free up the necessary space, and the desired frames will begin to appear. After all, as they say, “a holy place is never empty.” All that remains is to move all the interfering subjects somewhere further away, and some even outside the panorama. In principle, we can already begin to celebrate the victory, since everything further seems to be a matter of technology. But here strange things begin to happen. For some reason, some subjects do not want to leave, continuing to stubbornly stand in their places in the social panorama. And others still return after leaving. What is this - some kind of error, flaw or glitch in the program? Not at all. The described projections of the subjects do not want to go along a very specific>>
