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Knowledge was obtained by the author from the Information Field of the Earth in the form of more than 6,000 thoughts-awareness, in all areas of life and structured in the form of energetically charged phrases-punchers. They are a kind of bridge between the unconscious iumom. They help you find the right answer to any question asked. From the book: Ah, how you sometimes want to ask someone who touches the strings of the soul, did he wash his hands...? Absolute stability deprives us of the future. Time passes - the future does not change, which means it becomes obsolete... Is it disrespectful to life - to walk straight through it... An alcoholic is not the one who drinks when he is good or bad, but the one who JUST drinks... Anti-advertising is advertising that evokes negative emotions... Appetite, as it comes and goes while eating... Oh, how sometimes you want to live - as you want! Axiom of happiness. “We must want not what will bring us happiness, but directly happiness itself, through what brings us happiness”... Allergy is always the presence within us of an excess, something bad... You will become absolutely free only when you die... Apathy - this is passive rage towards oneself, people, the world, God... Associations, images, emotions, sensations and metaphors are the language of the unconscious... Absolutely all the actions that we do in life lead to one or another consequences, only serious ones to good or bad karma, and frivolous - to the pocket...Hell differs from Heaven, only in emotions and sensations...Apathy on the internal level destroys more than aggression on the external...Absolute silence does not exist. If we suddenly heard it, it means our heart has stopped beating... Absolute confidence arises from an excess of encyclopedic knowledge... What makes an active environment is our activity in this environment... An atheist is a person who believes that there is no faith... What if our calling is - to look for our purpose...? What if they are interested in our soul, just not to look at our body... Absolutely happy, maybe a child, a saint or an idiot…
