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✔What to do if your baby is often capricious, and you dream of making your relationship with your child easy, enjoyable, and bringing joy to you and your child? ✔How to help your child understand his true desires and needs? ✔And is it possible, in principle, to simplify the lives of parents when there is a small child (children) in the family? Let's figure it out 🙌 When a child is capricious, he definitely needs something from his adult. And here two difficulties may arise: First, you don’t know what he needs, so you can’t give it to him; Second, you don’t have the resources to give him what he needs. The worst situation is when you don’t know and have nothing to give - then both of them become hysterical - in psychology this is beautifully called “emotional impasse.” In life, this looks like a very difficult situation. What to do? There are a number of support points that you can rely on and survive in such cases. The first thing is to remember that you are the adult in this situation. And begin to be sincerely interested in what is happening. Just stop, stand still for 10 seconds and look at the situation as if from the outside (adults, unlike children, can do this). And ask yourself the question: “What is going on now?” And as soon as we switched the TUMBLE SWITCH in our head from emotions to logical thinking, the intensity of passions immediately begins to subside. Try it!☀Another reference point is CONDITION. Even if the situation of interaction with a child is difficult for an adult, but he/she is in good condition, in principle, everything is fine in his life, the “weather in the house” is clear, the mood is even - then any child’s problem can be solved quickly enough in one way or another. Hence the corollary: it is important to take care of YOURSELF first of all!!! condition. The story about the fact that I give everything to the child, so I am a good mother - this is still a trap. This model is quite working in the first 2-3 years. Nature has taken care of us, it is during this period that the mother’s hormonal levels are so aligned that she turns into a superhero who can really not eat, not sleep, and be available 24/7 for a completely helpless and dear little person. Then this hormonal background changes, there is no longer any natural reinforcement to live in this mode, and we continue to slide along the old rut, slowly losing the joy of life, becoming empty... When we, parents, pay attention to ourselves, we remember who we are, separate from our child, what we like and what we don’t like, what we like to do and what we don’t, and little by little we build in different “tricks” for ourselves into our daily schedule - we fill our emotional container with joy that we can share with our child! “You can’t.” Give your children what you don’t have yourself. Without putting YOURSELF at the center of your life, without building your own system of values, you will not be able to make your life and your children’s happy. Anatoly Nekrasov “Mother’s Love”☀The third reference point that is worth paying attention to is the CHILD’S CONDITION. For example, usually the child was already dressing himself, for this he needed a certain amount of time, which the mother understands, but yesterday there were guests and he got overexcited, went to bed late, and then did not fall asleep right away - and if you keep in mind such a “baby state analyzer”, then the usual the phrase: “it’s time to get dressed” can be transformed into something else, for example, from “listen, you and I somehow didn’t think that you had to go to kindergarten today, and you won’t have enough time to sleep... let me help you wake up, stretchers , wake up the little ones! Who is the friend/girlfriend waiting for today and on a walk playing ...”, to- “Let’s give you a day off today! But this is like an exception!” And if such exceptions happen at least once every six months, this will significantly increase the degree of trust of the child and improve contact with him. Taking into account the child’s condition is a very important and natural skill of a parent who knows how to take his own condition into account too! ☀The next reference point, but in importance, one of the first, sounds like a rule: RELATIONSHIPS ARE PRIMARY, BEHAVIOR IS SECONDARY. First, we must always remember about relationships, test: what do I do inside ours? 89885491053
