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From the author: Reflections on the connection between character and disease, without a hint of science. An invitation to explore this topic in the group "Diseases that choose us." Death. My uncle died yesterday. The third of four brothers, and also from cancer. The youngest one left first, he was only 48 years old - lung cancer. The second was my father - the second to last of the brothers, he was 54, also with cancer. And, yesterday – the oldest, 80 years old. I wonder why dad and his brothers died from cancer, and my mother’s brothers died from heart attacks and strokes. And my mother has already suffered 2 strokes. What is this? Heredity? - No. If you look further at the death of my grandparents, my mother’s parents died of cancer, both of them. My grandfather on my father’s side was paralyzed after a stroke, and my grandmother remained healthy for a very long time, I don’t remember her ever being sick, she was very strong, hardened, and walked barefoot from March to December. She could not bear the loss of her second child and gave up and died after her father. What kind of death awaits me? I remember how I “chose” my character. “I tried on” my father’s strong-willed qualities, determination, bordering on stubbornness, and my mother’s anxiety, responsiveness, etc. I listened to how it resonated within me, looked closely at whether it suited me or not, and compared it with some images of myself. Naturally, she took into account the external reflection, while relying on those whom she trusted more. Then, later, the same thing happened with horoscopes. I was born at the junction of Capricorn and Aquarius. From the description of these signs, I took what I liked and rejected what I considered insignificant and empty. Why am I suddenly talking about character? There is an assumption that diseases are in a certain way connected with character traits, ways of reacting, and experiencing. “Any illness implies intrapsychic conflict of a neurotic nature.” (A. Meneghetti) Oncology is associated with resentment and the need to control everything and everyone. From the table by L. Hay: Tumors You cherish old grievances and shocks. Remorse intensifies. Cancer: Deep wound. An old grudge. A great mystery or grief haunts you and devours you. Persistence of feelings of hatred. "Who needs it??»
