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One famous scientist, while studying the life of one of the wild tribes, either in the Amazon, or in the Boundless North, or perhaps in the wilds of Central Africa, noticed how the local shamans behave differently, depending on their age. The young people work in the “classical” style: they twitch in crazy dances, beat drums and tambourines, wrap themselves in skins and feathers, growl and howl, roll their eyes. They make the “clients” get scared, suffer and eat all sorts of nasty things. The old ones act differently. They’ll look at the newcomer, ask a couple of questions, and sometimes they’ll get by without it, and then they’ll let him go in peace. In appearance they themselves do not stand out one bit from ordinary fellow tribesmen. But their effectiveness, compared to young “peacocks,” is an order of magnitude higher. In this article we will look at 5 simple and effective, like a sledgehammer, techniques that allow you to deftly manage your own life without the help of a shaman or psychologist. I could also add 3-4 paragraphs worth of fluff here, for the sake of credibility, but what for?.. Just read and apply! 1). A firm “No!” – managing your own life in practice is as simple as shelling pears. Often, it is enough to stop other people’s attempts to turn you and your destiny in the direction they (but not you!) need. Just tell them "No!" in 5 steps: Stand (if sitting) with a straight back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and feel a strong connection to the ground through your heels. Say to yourself: “I am the Master (Mistress) of my destiny, I stand on my land!” Feel how warmth, confidence and calmness fill you through your legs: to the stomach, to the heart, to the throat and to the top of the head. Concentrate the received sensations-states in two dense balls, the size of a walnut: in the solar plexus and in the throat. Say “No!” - loud, fast and clear. Feeling that the sound is, as it were, born in the lower “nut”, and comes out of you through the upper one. At the same time, simultaneously with the refusal, mentally vividly imagine that you are cutting off with a huge shining blade this offer/temptation/coercion stretching from the manipulator to you in the form of a snake, bony paw, tentacle or other abomination. Smile softly and begin to completely ignore the manipulator, returning to business or conversation with other people. 2). Age-old endurance - in any situation when you are not sure what to do correctly, mentally transport yourself to a bright future. On the very day when you celebrate your hundredth birthday. And from there, look into the past and decide what to do. Among other benefits, this technique, when used frequently, radically increases your chances of living to be a hundred years old. 3). The spine is a technique for protecting against stress, restoring strength and peace of mind. If a “thunderstorm” (quarrel, bullying, just an unpleasant situation) is brewing or is already blazing with might and main, imagine and feel that you are a mighty root, immersed up to your eyebrows in your native land. Let me emphasize, to the land of the Motherland, and not to a foreign land. The body will become a little stiff, filled with pleasant heaviness, but clarity and speed of thinking will remain. 4). "For what?" – You can only manage what you understand. To manage your life, ask yourself as often as possible – literally a hundred times a day, “Who am I like in my current situation?” and “Why am I in it?”, and then pull off this mental trick: “If I’m here for this, for this, then it’s better for me not to be a stupid penguin or a scapegoat, but a cunning fox, Ivan Tsarevich or a supercomputer. In general, to those whom the heart tells. Get used to your new role and get a dose of pleasant emotions from your transformation. 5). “Oh, never mind!” – diligently adhere to the 10 commandments of healthy not giving a fuck. :)) Apply it and make sure that managing yourself is a piece of cake! And if the thought creeps into you of steering not only your own, but also other people’s lives, then give up this rotten story! Boring, vulgar, cruel and ineffective. In a word, the cave age. Now the trend is to manage relationships, not people!!! If this article gets at least 100 likes on this site by the end of October 2017,!!!
