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Therapeutic session to get rid of emotional dependence using the technique of emotional-imaginative therapy by N. Linde “Return of emotional investments”. For details, please refer to the original source. In any case, experiencing loss or bereavement, separation is a process that takes some time, which you need to give yourself to “chew”, “swallow”, “digest”. At the same time, the “Return on Investment” technique for getting rid of emotional dependence, it is most effective when, after some time, a truly “inadequate” attachment or fixation becomes obvious. “I understand everything, but I can’t do it differently. I do it, and then I suffer, scold myself and blame myself.” In this case, fighting yourself, forcing yourself, forbidding yourself is a less effective way to change something, more important and more useful is to accept. Accept yourself, accept those weakened parts of yourself and give them a resource for living, for growth and development. But more on that next time. A client came forward with the problem of serious worries about a breakup that happened just recently. The technique was carried out with the goal of regaining the resource spent during the relationship in order to go through the process of experiencing a breakup calmer and easier. After describing the situation and her feelings (guilt, anxiety, “blackout”), the client answered the question about what she gave to her ex during the process relationships - care, tenderness, attention, support..., in the end they also came to care and control. The client very quickly began to reproduce images and imagined somewhere in the distance, at a distance, as if she had planted a tree, raised it and fenced it with a fence so that no one will touch it, there seems to be no reason for this, but there is a fence, about waist high. This whole picture is on a piece of land and is in the dark. After a few seconds, it was understood that the tree with leaves was withering. The tree turned out to be a birch and meant confidence and strength to the client. I felt fear that this tree of hers might be given or given away to someone. After discussing a little with the client whether it was her tree, whether she wanted to take care of it (give it some sun or water it with water), a cautious suggestion was made that maybe she could get it back. ?Watering the tree didn’t go well, we couldn’t find the sun, we only managed to turn on a large lamp from above and in the end the client agreed to take it for herself. The picture moved closer and appeared next to the client a little to the left. But I couldn’t accept it; doubts remained whether it was her. After a minute, after thinking, the client said, the fence is not mine! Definitely not mine, I don’t need it, but the tree is mine, definitely mine, one hundred percent! Having discussed that under no circumstances would we take someone else’s, we would only take what was ours, she climbed over the fence, took the tree, and put it on her shoulder and brought it closer and placed it in front of her. I felt pride and joy, it seemed as if it felt “warmer” and “more comfortable.” Having thought about the idea of ​​taking the tree into herself and giving it the opportunity to make herself more comfortable, the client said: “I can’t open, something is stopping me, as if the door is closed.” The door was asked to go out into the space, it turned out to be so old and rusty, tightly closed with no chance of somehow opening it. Next are the usual questions and the answers that came to them: - Dear door, what are you doing? - Protecting so that no one gets in and does harm - When you appeared, how old was the girl..., 3-5... - 13 years old , conflict between parents (no details). The girl then felt fear and resentment. The client and I thanked the door for all the care and protection it had provided for so many years. The door cleared, turned into fresh metal and opened. We thanked her again. They suggested that the door go back inside the body, if it was part of it, but the door asked: “Do you still need me?” The client answered with sincere surprise and joy that no, and the door flew away. Next, we still had to accept the birch tree within us, and with it confidence and strength,.
