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From the author: “Most spend their entire lives creating a complex web of lies, and then convince themselves that it is true.” Karen Moning It's no secret that in our country the popularity of all sorts of figures of pseudo-psychological ideas and movements is very high. Moreover, interest in them is supported by the media (television, newspapers, magazines). These include psychics, magicians, sorcerers and other pseudo-psychologists. I call them pseudo-psychologists because they have nothing to do with the human Soul. They are distinguished from real psychologists - specialists by the fact that they present themselves (or them) as gurus, teachers; they promise a guaranteed and quick result and subsequently the ability to independently cope with all kinds of problems. difficulties of life; often lack of special education; they are concerned with the “façade of personality” rather than the real underlying causes; they prefer to work with groups; assurances that only their method (work, program, seminar, training) is the best and... very often - unflattering reviews of the work of psychologists, which they, of course, do not know. And there is one noticeable difference: they strive for power over the group and do not tolerate dissent. Yes, people have various problems and difficulties; Yes, people want to be happy quickly and inexpensively; Yes, people are in a hurry to get results; Yes, people seek authority; Yes, people are simply often gullible; Yes, people believe in fairy tales. Undoubtedly, they want help in solving their problems. But why then don’t these “magic pills” work? So what do people actually go to such pseudo-psychologists for? Let’s think: For example, a young girl cannot establish relationships with the opposite sex: the relationship always ends in a break. She is tired of this and is worried. She seems to look good, takes care of herself, reads all sorts of books... And then she finds on the Internet a tempting offer from a “trainer” who promises to change her life in 1 day and find a prince with whom she will be happy until the end of her days. She reads such an advertisement and thinks: “I’ll go and go.” Well, I’ll pay 5-20,000 rubles (it depends on the ambitions of the “trainer”), but I’ll get rid of the problem for the rest of my life!” He pays, he goes. He sees that the group is large (So it was not in vain that he came!). Listens attentively and tries to do what the “trainer” says. How can you not listen to him, how he charges everyone with his charisma! By the end of the training, she no longer has any doubts about the correctness of her choice, about the correctness of the trainer’s “instructions,” because she sees how everyone (!) is excited and overwhelmed with emotions of delight. And so does she. Arriving home, she replays the scenes of the training in her head again and again, her mood is still high (euphoria) and she is happy! But then another day passes, the state of happiness has dissolved somewhere, and is replaced by sadness and sadness crept up unnoticed... And she realizes that she remains the same, and with it her previous difficulties... This is an example of group work. Let's take another example: A woman suffers from her relationship with her son. I read an advertisement in the newspaper that a certain psychic helps to improve relationships with loved ones, removes “damage” (“Anything can happen!” the woman thinks) and decides to call. At the other end of the line she hears a pleasant voice and soon the question of the time of the meeting has already been decided. She comes and listens carefully to what the psychic tells her: what to do, how to do it, when to do it, etc. After payment, she goes to her home and..... life continues in the same direction. What do all such clients have in common and what are they after? come? At first glance it seems: well, why? For help! But, no... Let's take a closer look: 1. For advice. Such people are waiting for someone to give them a “magic pill” for everything at once. 2. To avoid responsibility. When you are given advice, you don’t have to make the decision yourself—just take it and carry out the order. And if something doesn’t work out, it’s his fault, not my fault - he advised it. 3. Behind emotions. When life is bland, you want a holiday... Very
