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Most of us undoubtedly know what “projection” is (see on Wikipedia: Projection (Latin projectio - throwing forward) is a psychological process related to psychological defense mechanisms, as a result of which the internal is mistakenly perceived as coming from the outside. A person attributes his own thoughts, feelings, motives, character traits, etc. to someone or something, believing that he perceived something coming from the outside, and not from within himself). Most often, the projection mechanism is associated with the transference of one’s own negative thoughts and feelings to others. What a person does not accept in himself, condemns, he sees in others. The testing factor here is most often such feelings as frustration, anger, rage in response to any manifestations of another person. In such cases, the result of projection is distrust, suspicion, and a tendency to attribute negative interpretations of actions to others. For example, a closed person may believe that other people do not want to communicate with him. However, projection manifests itself not only in the fact that people transfer their shortcomings to others. Projection can also be positive when others attribute their own unconscious positive qualities. Then people are overly trusting, tend to overly admire someone, uncritically evaluate the actions and behavior of another, are prone to excessive justification (“he wanted the best...”) In both cases, the remedy is the same. If you notice that the qualities and actions of someone irritate you and cause indignation, stay in his role. Imagine for 5 minutes that he (this malicious scoundrel or this nasty woman) is you. You may remember some moments when you behaved in a similar way. Or maybe, on the contrary, you will understand that you wanted to behave this way, but you forbade yourself to do so, guided by some instructions. Do the same if you really admire someone. Also imagine that you are the owner of this calmness, confidence, warmth and everything that causes a positive response in another. Imagine that you behave as you see a person you really like. In fact, we cannot see in others what has no analogue in us. And when it seems to us that someone has qualities that we ourselves lack, this means only one thing: it’s time to expand our own ideas about ourselves. These exercises are aimed not only at building the integrity and integration of the individual, but also at increasing objectivity of perception of the surrounding world and oneself.
