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Inner wounded parent Many people write about the inner wounded child, but often a wounded child appears from interaction with a wounded parent Yes, adults who raise a child are often themselves traumatized by their parents, life circumstances, and they simply may not have the experience of a good relationship , support, the experience of a carefree childhood, the experience of being a child, enjoying life like a child. Often they frantically go out of their way to give their children what they themselves did not have, to give what they themselves wanted. But they may not even to guess that the child may have other needs, other interests, because of which the child withdraws, rests his feet and hands, says “no, no, I don’t want this.” There are times when the parent is sobered by these words and the parent thinks. But more often, the parent does not understand why this infection is capricious, because I give him more than I received. It is difficult to give what I myself did not receive, it will all be unnatural, exaggerated. Because there is no connection with your own needs and it is difficult to understand your child’s needs. Understand in the key to find out, listen, and not have a clear idea of ​​what he needs and how. Often a child tries, explores his needs and he himself does not know what he needs, and he can only find out by gradually studying. I invite parents, parents with children, adults for psychological consultations, I will help you understand what is happening in your relationship, establish contact with child, build upbringing and communication. For psychotherapeutic groups on Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (different groups, group regularity once every two weeks) and individual meetings to heal the inner parent, child, to regain their place in the birth system - to become a child for their parents , stop being a parent for parents, restore the feeling of delight and joy, flight and creativity, reduce the impact of injuries. In April there are 5 discounted places for individual work and child-parent consultations for 2000 rubles. - 1 hour. From April 1: psychological counseling - 3000 rub./1 hour. Individual body-oriented therapy 5000 rub./1 hour. Exceptions: regular clients (negotiable price), students (1500 rub./1 hour for any format of individual work)
