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From the author: I wrote this article some time ago and in some ways it is outdated, but not in its idea. Therefore, I decided to publish it without changes. In general, this short article is devoted to the importance of social processes for a person’s understanding and self-awareness. I wondered why they attack Trump so much: are they so eager for power or is he such an unusual candidate? I talked to those around me and they told me that he and Clinton represent completely opposite elites, as Khazin would say. That is, groups in the ruling class. Clinton is for global capital, Trump is for saving America. How! Will this help Russia? Trump, perhaps, will not put a spoke in our wheels everywhere, but friends forever, we and America?.. Clinton is aggressive and hysterical, but as you know, sanctions are only good for us. Will this speed up some global processes or those that directly affect us, Donbass, for example?..Who knows! Now there are a lot of moments, points that can become explosive, events that will become catalysts, triggers for many others . Everything related to Ukraine, Syria, America, France. And from history it is clear that everything can begin where no one expected. And the fact that the world is clearly on the verge of changes, only the lazy does not say now. America will collapse, the current financial and world order in general will collapse. By the way, he has already begun to do this little by little. As one political scientist recently wrote about the Olympic scandals, the European system rests on the law, and if they themselves stop taking this into account, then they simply have nothing left. So, serious social changes must occur. Perhaps we should be happy. But to be remembered in China there is such a curse - the desire to live in interesting times. But again, on the other hand, there is nothing worse than just waiting. But if we really are going to a world in which America will not have the opportunity to be the world's gendarme, to a world without Eurocentrism, to a world with a different financial system, then what? What? That’s exactly what many political scientists say who think so. They talk about the absolute non-viability of the European and American economies. The main areas of production necessary for people's lives are subsidized. Capitalism itself has exhausted itself, and as you know, it constantly needs new markets, but we have not yet learned to fly to other galaxies. And the psychology of the people of the Western world is “man is a wolf to man.” Their real values ​​are also not viable, just like “their” economy, where most of the production is transferred to other countries. I am deeply convinced of the progressive movement of all living things. Or rather, the fact is that there is only either progress or regression. But in such a huge organism as human society, there is probably only progress. But there can be no progress with general lack of education and simple dullness of people, with extreme disrespect for work, and today with outright racism, when the world is clearly divided into friend and foe, and the stranger is not a person. We see all this today in Europe and America. That is, progress is not possible there, which means only regression, destruction, change so strong that it is comparable to destruction. But Russia and Russian culture present a completely different picture. “Western values” are not instilled in us. For us there is a concept of justice, which is above the law. That's what we pay for sometimes. But you have to pay for everything. With all our modern aggressiveness, for us the enemy is not a neighbor, although he may be completely different from “me.” In general, in our entire history, we never had enemies, in the sense that we did not make them out of anyone, we annexed lands whose people continued to live and develop. And Europe, exporting gold from Latin America and Africa, completely destroyed both the population and the countries themselves. And America killed 90% of the Indian population. We have the concept of a Motherland. “If you have nothing to die for, then there is nothing to live for,” I don’t remember who said. But when does life become.
