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Do you know why I am dealing with this not very pleasant topic, the topic of FEARS? Yes, because there was a time when I was afraid of absolutely everything. There were so many fears that there was not a single area of ​​life where I felt safe. There were fears for the children, for the events happening to me, fear of the future, fear of losing my job and money, fear of loneliness, this is just the smallest thing that came to my mind now. I fell asleep and woke up in this terrible state of anxiety about what the new day would bring me. This is what made me not just be interested in this topic, but actually study and practice all the methods and techniques that came my way. Only after knowing my fears and dealing with them did I feel truly, FREE. I realized the nature of FEAR, learned to distinguish between real and fictitious fears, learned to see how fears enter my life and how I allow them, learned to free myself from them and began to competently protect myself and react in time to changes in my condition. That is why I want to share my invaluable experience with you, pass it on to you, so that you too can enjoy this alluring and so desired state of FREEDOM! Do you know that your FEARS themselves are afraid of you? As soon as you decide to deal with them, they suddenly disappear somewhere, run away and hide from you and your attention. And you tell yourself, yes, everything is fine, for me now this question is not relevant and you calm down. But as soon as your intention disappears, or the opportunity to face your FEARS is gone, they suddenly appear again from somewhere, begin to bother you, and the strength of this anxiety grows every time. This happens because any thought - idea has the ability to grow itself independently. People, knowing that thought is material, are afraid of their own thoughts, afraid that they will attract it into their Life, and try to ignore these thoughts. By doing this, they fall into their own trap, and the law of denial begins to work for them, which says: everything we run from catches up with us. What to do? First, just test yourself. Think a thought that scares you. How are you feeling now? How does this resonate in your body? Any discomfort? Give yourself time. If the sensations are weak, then this thought has not yet gained strength and can be easily worked out. But if the sensations are stronger, this indicates that fear has already settled in you for a long time or has stuck to some basic FEARS. We will deal with it in this way: Meditation to free yourself from fear. Give yourself time and space where you no one will interfere. Sit up straight, close your eyes and think the thought that bothers you. Start feeling it in your body, allow this state to rise. You are completely included in your attention, you perceive yourself from the top of your head to your feet. And part of your attention is directed to the place where there are unpleasant sensations. You simply observe them, without criticism, without analysis, without resistance. You feel your legs clearly and allow yourself to experience all the sensations that arise. Watch them as they change. Do this until your condition levels out. This simple practice will allow you to free yourself from anxiety.
