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From the author: The topic of boundaries is not new, but still worthy of detailed consideration. Yes, sir! Today, probably everyone who is even slightly interested in psychic topics already knows about psychological boundaries. First of all, it is customary to talk about external (external boundaries are the boundaries separating with the environment) and internal boundaries. Internal boundaries. Problems with internal boundaries are expressed, in particular, in the fact that a person confuses the conscious with the unconscious, feeling with action. Feeling is stopped action. Once you've gotten really angry, you don't have to hit him anymore. Having consciously become sad, you don’t have to quit. But a person with poorly formed internal boundaries does not know this. Instead of stopping unacceptable actions, it stops feelings. Because I am not confident in my control over spontaneous impulses. Subjectively, this is felt as fear that something will break through, something will spill out of him against his will, that he will do something irreparable, unable to restrain himself. Most often we are talking about aggressive and sexual impulses, since most taboos are associated with them. That is, such a person is often afraid of killing someone or entering into an unacceptable sexual relationship with someone - as a rule, we are talking about loved ones. Fantasies of murder or sex may come in the form of obsessive, painful pictures, images, thoughts - instead of feelings of anger or sexual arousal. People with poorly formed internal barriers are usually not in touch with bodily experiences. They do not properly recognize their fatigue, hunger, pain. If, for example, a psychotherapist tells a client that he seems very tired, the client responds: “Well, why should I be tired?” That is, he does not rely on his feeling of fatigue, but on whether external reasons are sufficient for what he is used to correlating with fatigue. This is why in therapy it is so important to work with feelings, with emotional development, acquiring the skill to recognize one’s feelings and the feelings of other people, and with bodily sensations.
