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From the author: This article is about what each of us has... The world is so huge that it is impossible to embrace it with your consciousness. And in this world everyone has their place. Place in life, place in society. Each person is a small part of society as such. Everything that surrounds a person is infinitely huge and goes beyond his boundaries, but the person himself is small and, moreover, placed within the framework of society. Man in himself is great, but in society he is small, because he is alone, and society is many - millions! And these millions live in some kind of their own order under the influence of which we must abandon ourselves, lose ourselves and change against our will. Everything that surrounds a person (society) is filled with rules and threats of punishment for refusing these rules. Everyone is against a person living freely. But many people do not know how hard their life is. They don't understand this. What if they understood the point? They would die from painful shock! Why don’t they understand this? It’s simple, firstly, in order to understand you need to think about “who are you?”, and for this you need at least some mental abilities; secondly, they don’t want to feel this pain! The thinking person was unlucky, somehow: he realized that he was a nonentity, the smallest grain of sand among all the small grains of sand. He realized that he lives in an immensely huge, incomprehensible and merciless world (nature and society), and that this world, such as it is, will never allow him to be inactive and will not give him peace and security. Society and technical development do not save him from the feeling insignificance: they are not able to get rid of that which is stronger than a person, and therefore that which is stronger than society. Namely, from disasters, natural disasters, injuries, illnesses, death, injustice, misfortune, deception, meanness, betrayal, betrayal, loss, pain, loss of strength, despair, unwillingness to live, poverty, humiliation, and so on. Realizing your powerlessness and your own insignificance, the person did not cease to exist and did not die of shock. Because a person has the ability to adapt. Consciousness always tries to avoid the destructive influence of pain, and having been exposed to it and experiencing pain, it tries to hide and forget. All the pain that a person has ever experienced is stored in the “storerooms” of the subconscious and continues to live its own life. Sooner or later, a person begins to pretend that he has no fear of the world around him and his existence. And in order to believe in his pretense, he begins to come up with anything, just to get carried away with his head and not be left alone with himself. This is only necessary to create the illusion of one’s own security. For example, a person sometimes tries to protect himself from his insignificance with the thought that if he has a lot of things, money, cars, then he will be safe. And he turns himself inside out and gains, he does everything to create this illusion of security. He devotes his entire life to things, money and cars. Over time, he even begins to treat people as things that should guarantee him protection from a threatening world. But the world doesn’t care what a person comes up with for himself. The world one day takes and compresses all our achievements, based on motives, turning them into a kind of core, and hits it with all its might, destroying and turning into dust everything that a person tried to protect himself with. Man and the World begin to conflict, trying to take away from each other something valuable. A person begins to deliberately create a lot of fuss around himself. Hobbies, organizing holidays and trips, inciting conflicts with others, rebuilding a house, moving to a new place of residence, career, and so on. Anything, just not to be left alone with your original problem. Original article - http://anton-bandurko.ru/moi-mysli/bol-ch.1.html
