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As surprising as it may be, my favorite place in Salzburg is St. Peter's Cemetery. It is considered one of the most beautiful and oldest cemeteries in the world. When I visited Salzburg for the first time (of three so far), I was most impressed by this skeletal monument. He seems to be a very frightening but deep hero..."Lord, take a beautiful soul." There is an incredible atmosphere in this cemetery, which is so suitable for thinking about death. This is not panic. Not fear. Not horror. Not the desire to avoid one’s inevitable fate in the future. This is peace. And acceptance of the natural course of life. “Death has nothing to do with us; when we exist, then death is not yet there, and when death comes, then we are no longer there.” You are walking among the tombstones. Behind each name is a personality with its own unique destiny. What did this man dream about? What did he do in his life? Was he afraid of death? Did you guess how he would die? It doesn’t matter anymore. Perhaps there is no memory left of him. Perhaps everyone who knew him has already died. Sooner or later this happens. Did he think about this in moments of his bright joy? When he learned the mystery of the first kiss. When you held the hand of your dearest and closest person. When I went towards life changes. When I conquered internal fears and limitations. When in the morning I admired the sunrise and breathed in the fresh air. Perhaps thoughts of death visited him from time to time. When someone close to you died. When a dead bird came across the road. But the rest of the time he lived. And he came to the conclusion that everyone has come to so far. Life is given to Live. Death will come later. When you're not expecting it. When you don't know about her. One thing will be important - whether the person was happy. Did he do what he wanted? While walking through the cemetery you come into contact with the theme of death. You can’t help but think about such philosophical topics. And then, you go out onto a noisy square... And you want to live even more. Take a walk along the embankment. Go to your favorite fish restaurant. Go to your usual store for the best fruit liqueur, which is produced right here. It’s worth thinking about death so that you can then return to the moment “here and now” to greet it. And go back to live a bright life.
