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In one fairy-tale kingdom, and maybe not a fairy-tale, but the inhabitants who lived there considered it fairy-tale, there lived Joy. Laughter, smiles, fun, high spirits were constant companions of Joy. All residents of this country felt her presence in every moment of their lives. Most importantly, Joy did not need a reason. You can be happy just like that. Somehow an irritable hedgehog came to this country. The most amazing thing about him was that he had just forgotten what it meant to rejoice just like that. Looking around him with a dissatisfied look, he could not understand why all of them who live in this country are so joyful. This even irritated him very much. “That they don’t have problems or what?” - he grumbled under his breath. In fact, of course, the inhabitants of this country had problems and they encountered difficulties every day, and fears visited them sometimes, but all this was not so scary when you have Joy in your pocket, or maybe not in your pocket, but simply in the clear blue sky, or the bright sun that is shining, or in a flock of birds that are chirping, or maybe in drops of rain or dew that fell in the morning, or in puddles on the streets, where you can have a lot of fun run. Joy, it turns out, knew how to lurk everywhere, the main thing was to have a mood that could notice it even in small things, even in insignificant things that at first glance did not contain any joy in themselves. Strange people lived in this kingdom, they rejoiced at everything, even when there was a reason there wasn't much. “Life is more fun in joy!” was their motto. And from childhood they trained their ability to notice the joy in life. Even at school they had such a subject and it was called “The ability to enjoy life.” The hedgehog had to stay in this country and after a while he noticed that he began to smile more. Sometimes a smile appeared so suddenly that he did not have time to catch it, and then his whole face would blur with joy and nothing could be done about it, his legs would dance, and his whole body would be filled with the rhythm of the dance of joy. He had even begun to get used to it. Laughter, fun, smiles, high spirits became his true friends. He had to say goodbye to old habits; he couldn’t dare call them friends. Can despondency, disappointment, melancholy or boredom be a friend? There were many “old” ones, it’s impossible to list them all, but the new friends were completely different. They evoked other feelings and awakened the joy of learning about life. One day, early in the morning, a crossbill brought a letter to the hedgehog and after reading it, he began to get ready to set off on his way. But where she brought him, we will find out in the next fairy tale. Ps I really love Hedgehogs. They are great fairy tale characters for children, but adults also really like them. There is something so magical about them that the fairy tales themselves always invite Hedgehogs to visit them and they happily respond to such requests. How often do we think that irritability and anger are normal? Now they write about this all the time. This is not normal, but it is becoming the norm of life, I would put it this way more precisely. There is no resource in irritability and anger, but there is a loss of energy. Is it possible not to experience them at all? I am sure that it is possible and there will be little loss in the life of a child or an adult if he completely stops being irritated and angry, and directs his attention and energy to higher feelings and emotions. This will undoubtedly have a better effect on the character, health and life of people..
