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Once you ask yourself this question, you can search for the answer all your life. Every person has probably encountered it, but some became fixated on the lack of any explanations, while others did not complicate their lives and moved on. This is the big difference between people from each other - in different attitudes to different problems. Yes, often the question “Who am I really?” It becomes precisely a problem and it has a lot of roots. In order to understand the reasons for this obsessive question and finally find an answer to it, people turn to a psychologist. And they do the right thing, because not everyone manages to cope with mental difficulties on their own. Who asks such questions? Often questions like “Who am I?” and “Where did I come from” can be heard from children’s lips. Unlike adults, who have seen a lot in their lifetime and, as a rule, have already acquired a large number of anxieties and fears, a child will calmly accept the answer, whatever it may be. You can say to him: “We wanted you, and you appeared” or “God sent you to us” or, in the end, the well-known “The stork was delivering children and decided to fly to us.” You cannot brush off an adult with such answers; he needs serious arguments and statements. But what exactly are the arguments required by a person who turns to a psychologist or comes to a training? They depend on the person himself, on his character, mental constitution and other characteristics. The task of the psychologist in this case is to take a good look at the person. The client may be cheerful, optimistic and inquisitive, and may view the search for an answer to a question as just another intellectual puzzle. It also happens that, having asked the question “Who am I really?”, people simply want to attract attention to themselves. You need to establish contact with such clients, find the right chords and just talk. The situation is different with pessimistic people who feel sad and depressed. The question “Who am I really?” torments them and gives them no peace. Serious work should be carried out with such clients, searching for the causes of anxiety and ways to get rid of fears. As you can see, the question “Who am I really?” can be asked by a variety of people - complete opposites: from those who have lost interest in life, to those who constantly strive for the heights of personal growth. How do you still find the answer? It is important to understand that until a person himself comes to the desired answer, he won't find him. No one can answer the question “Who am I really?” instead of him: neither loved ones, nor psychologists, nor anyone else. For example, a psychologist can only help a little and suggest where to look, having first gotten to know his client well. You need to be prepared for the fact that the answer will not come immediately, but after a while it will come when the person is ready to receive it. To do this, you need to set some goals for yourself, not stand still, try yourself and move in the right direction. Let this path be full of trial and error, but it will be passed, and this is the most important thing. Methods of psychological assistance You can find the Real Self by trying the following means: - positive thinking - the correct self-concept; - rejection of the position of the Victim, perception of yourself as the Author of your life, responsible for everything that happens in it; - rejection of fears and self-doubt and, as a result, moving forward; - rejection of stereotypes, independent adoption of important life decisions; - defining goals and finding ways to achieve them. In search To answer the question “Who am I really?” people often wonder what it would be like to be themselves. But the fact is that when a person knows how to be himself, he is not bothered by the issue we are discussing, he does not suffer from tension, but feels inner harmony. Oddly enough, it is most often impossible to search for yourself and feel inner comfort…
