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From time to time, every person living on this planet makes some kind of transition. This could be an age-related transition from one state to another or a transition from a long significant relationship to solitude. This could be leaving a job to which you have devoted a lot of time and effort, or any other major change in external circumstances. The time of transition is not easy. The state of a person during this period is similar to moving in a boat sailing in the fog - you have already set sail from the previous shore, and you cannot turn back. You cannot actively row your oars, because you do not see where - the enveloping fog covers directions and horizons. And the state of deep inner confusion adds confusion and makes it even more difficult to understand where to move next, because previously in life there was only what was already left on the other side. And then all that remains is to lay down the oars, exhale and surrender to the process. And this is a whole art that you have to master in this difficult period. To sail in the boat of your life, to live every moment of this journey to new uncharted shores. Give space to all the surging feelings and don’t fight them. Realize where active involvement is needed in order to avoid the threshold that suddenly appears from the fog, and where you can allow the current to carry you. The unknown creates internal tension and fear, and someone chooses to turn into the old abandoned. And although this past is something from which you have grown long ago, it is still clear and understandable, and therefore perceived as safe... And if you still decide to move on, remember that this process can be very slow. But still the boat moves. Even if it seems to you that you are stuck, a gradual process of internal transformation is underway. During such periods of life, it is useful to pull up all your possible resources that you can rely on in order to withstand uncertainty and continue your movement towards uncharted shores. What can help with this? - A clear awareness of what you can influence and what you cannot . And in accordance with this, take active actions or wait. - Turn to the experience of other people who have already gone through this stage in their lives and passed it successfully. Don’t be alone, look for like-minded people. - Turn to your past experience (if you had one) in order to make sure that you are absolutely capable of coping with what is happening now, you have already been through it. - Reflect on what qualities and states could to help you in this process, and how you could develop them in yourself. What changes do you need to make to your daily routine and life in general in order to feel better? - Seek help from a psychologist who can help you see new shores more clearly and gain strength in this difficult time. Have you ever let yourself go? on such a journey along the river of uncertainty? What helped you along this path? Please share in the comments. Oksana Anashchenko, psychologist, constellation, trauma therapist. The publication is protected by copyright - copying and reposting are not allowed. You can sign up for an individual session with the author of the article by message on this website or here - https://vk.com/oksana_khors This meeting lasts 1.5 hours and includes consultation, constellation and deep work with injuries.
